Displaying 4201 – 4220 of 16557

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Equivalences between elliptic curves and real quadratic congruence function fields

Andreas Stein (1997)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

In 1994, the well-known Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol was for the first time implemented in a non-group based setting. Here, the underlying key space was the set of reduced principal ideals of a real quadratic number field. This set does not possess a group structure, but instead exhibits a so-called infrastructure. More recently, the scheme was extended to real quadratic congruence function fields, whose set of reduced principal ideals has a similar infrastructure. As always, the security...

Equivariant Euler characteristics and sheaf resolvents

Ph. Cassou-Noguès, M.J. Taylor (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For certain tame abelian covers of arithmetic surfaces we obtain formulas, involving a quadratic form derived from intersection numbers, for the equivariant Euler characteristics of both the canonical sheaf and also its square root. These formulas allow us to carry out explicit calculations; in particular, we are able to exhibit examples where these two Euler characteristics and that of the structure sheaf are all different and non-trivial. Our results are obtained by using resolvent techniques...

Currently displaying 4201 – 4220 of 16557