Displaying 41 – 60 of 1970

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A characterization of Eisenstein polynomials generating extensions of degree p 2 and cyclic of degree p 3 over an unramified 𝔭 -adic field

Maurizio Monge (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let p 2 be a prime. We derive a technique based on local class field theory and on the expansions of certain resultants allowing to recover very easily Lbekkouri’s characterization of Eisenstein polynomials generating cyclic wild extensions of degree p 2 over p , and extend it to when the base fields K is an unramified extension of p .When a polynomial satisfies a subset of such conditions the first unsatisfied condition characterizes the Galois group of the normal closure. We derive a complete classification...

A characterization of partition polynomials and good Bernoulli trial measures in many symbols

Andrew Yingst (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Consider an experiment with d+1 possible outcomes, d of which occur with probabilities x , . . . , x d . If we consider a large number of independent occurrences of this experiment, the probability of any event in the resulting space is a polynomial in x , . . . , x d . We characterize those polynomials which arise as the probability of such an event. We use this to characterize those x⃗ for which the measure resulting from an infinite sequence of such trials is good in the sense of Akin.

A characterization of sequences with the minimum number of k-sums modulo k

Xingwu Xia, Yongke Qu, Guoyou Qian (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be an additive abelian group of order k, and S be a sequence over G of length k+r, where 1 ≤ r ≤ k-1. We call the sum of k terms of S a k-sum. We show that if 0 is not a k-sum, then the number of k-sums is at least r+2 except for S containing only two distinct elements, in which case the number of k-sums equals r+1. This result improves the Bollobás-Leader theorem, which states that there are at least r+1 k-sums if 0 is not a k-sum.

A characterization of some additive arithmetical functions, III

Jean-Loup Mauclaire (1999)

Acta Arithmetica

I. Introduction. In 1946, P. Erdős [2] proved that if a real-valued additive arithmetical function f satisfies the condition: f(n+1) - f(n) → 0, n → ∞, then there exists a constant C such that f(n) = C log n for all n in ℕ*. Later, I. Kátai [3,4] was led to conjecture that it was possible to determine additive arithmetical functions f and g satisfying the condition: there exist a real number l, a, c in ℕ*, and integers b, d such that f(an+b) - g(cn+d) → l, n → ∞. This problem has been treated...

A “class group” obstruction for the equation C y d = F ( x , z )

Denis Simon (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper, we study equations of the form C y d = F ( x , z ) , where F [ x , z ] is a binary form, homogeneous of degree n , which is supposed to be primitive and irreducible, and d is any fixed integer. Using classical tools in algebraic number theory, we prove that the existence of a proper solution for this equation implies the existence of an integral ideal of given norm in some order in a number field, and also the existence of a specific relation in the class group involving this ideal. In some cases, this result...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 1970