Displaying 1761 – 1780 of 3014

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On the dimension of additive sets

P. Candela, H. A. Helfgott (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We study the relations between several notions of dimension for an additive set, some of which are well-known and some of which are more recent, appearing for instance in work of Schoen and Shkredov. We obtain bounds for the ratios between these dimensions by improving an inequality of Lev and Yuster, and we show that these bounds are asymptotically sharp, using in particular the existence of large dissociated subsets of {0,1}ⁿ ⊂ ℤⁿ.

On the Diophantine equation ( 2 x - 1 ) ( p y - 1 ) = 2 z 2

Ruizhou Tong (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let p be an odd prime. By using the elementary methods we prove that: (1) if 2 x , p ± 3 ( mod 8 ) , the Diophantine equation ( 2 x - 1 ) ( p y - 1 ) = 2 z 2 has no positive integer solution except when p = 3 or p is of the form p = 2 a 0 2 + 1 , where a 0 > 1 is an odd positive integer. (2) if 2 x , 2 y , y 2 , 4 , then the Diophantine equation ( 2 x - 1 ) ( p y - 1 ) = 2 z 2 has no positive integer solution.

Currently displaying 1761 – 1780 of 3014