Displaying 41 – 60 of 75

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Precobalanced and cobalanced sequences of modules over domains

Anthony Giovannitti, H. Pat Goeters (2007)

Mathematica Bohemica

The class of pure submodules ( 𝒫 ) and torsion-free images ( ) of finite direct sums of submodules of the quotient field of an integral domain were first investigated by M. C. R. Butler for the ring of integers (1965). In this case 𝒫 = and short exact sequences of such modules are both prebalanced and precobalanced. This does not hold for integral domains in general. In this paper the notion of precobalanced sequences of modules is further investigated. It is shown that as in the case for abelian groups...

Prime and primary submodules of certain modules

A. Amini, B. Amini, Habib Sharif (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we characterize all prime and primary submodules of the free R -module R n for a principal ideal domain R and find the minimal primary decomposition of any submodule of R n . In the case n = 2 , we also determine the height of prime submodules.

Projective modules and prime submodules

Mustafa Alkan, Yücel Tiraş (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we use Zorn’s Lemma, multiplicatively closed subsets and saturated closed subsets for the following two topics: (i) The existence of prime submodules in some cases, (ii) The proof that submodules with a certain property satisfy the radical formula. We also give a partial characterization of a submodule of a projective module which satisfies the prime property.

Relations between Elements r p l - r and p·1 for a Prime p

Andrzej Prószyński (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For any positive power n of a prime p we find a complete set of generating relations between the elements [r] = rⁿ - r and p·1 of a unitary commutative ring.

Relations between Elements r²-r

Andrzej Prószyński (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove that generating relations between the elements [r] = r²-r of a commutative ring are the following: [r+s] = [r]+[s]+rs[2] and [rs] = r²[s]+s[r].

Separable k -free modules with almost trivial dual

Daniel Herden, Héctor Gabriel Salazar Pedroza (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

An R -module M has an almost trivial dual if there are no epimorphisms from M to the free R -module of countable infinite rank R ( ω ) . For every natural number k > 1 , we construct arbitrarily large separable k -free R -modules with almost trivial dual by means of Shelah’s Easy Black Box, which is a combinatorial principle provable in ZFC.

Sequences between d-sequences and sequences of linear type

Hamid Kulosman (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The notion of a d-sequence in Commutative Algebra was introduced by Craig Huneke, while the notion of a sequence of linear type was introduced by Douglas Costa. Both types of sequences generate ideals of linear type. In this paper we study another type of sequences, that we call c-sequences. They also generate ideals of linear type. We show that c-sequences are in between d-sequences and sequences of linear type and that the initial subsequences of c-sequences are c-sequences. Finally we prove a...

Some remarks on Prüfer modules

S. Ebrahimi Atani, S. Dolati Pishhesari, M. Khoramdel (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We provide several characterizations and investigate properties of Prüfer modules. In fact, we study the connections of such modules with their endomorphism rings. We also prove that for any Prüfer module M, the forcing linearity number of M, fln(M), belongs to {0,1}.

Strongly rectifiable and S-homogeneous modules

Libuše Tesková (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In this paper we introduce the class of strongly rectifiable and S-homogeneous modules. We study basic properties of these modules, of their pure and refined submodules, of Hill's modules and we also prove an extension of the second Prüfer's theorem.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 75