Displaying 41 – 60 of 90

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Notes on generalizations of Bézout rings

Haitham El Alaoui, Hakima Mouanis (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we give new characterizations of the P - 2 -Bézout property of trivial ring extensions. Also, we investigate the transfer of this property to homomorphic images and to finite direct products. Our results generate original examples which enrich the current literature with new examples of non- 2 -Bézout P - 2 -Bézout rings and examples of non- P -Bézout P - 2 -Bézout rings.

On some properties of partial intersection schemes.

Alfio Ragusa, Giuseppe Zappalà (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica

Partial intersection subschemes of Pr of codimension c were used to furnish various graded Betti numbers which agree with a fixed Hilbert function. Here we study some further properties of such schemes; in particular, we show that they are not in general licci and we give a large class of them which are licci. Moreover, we show that all partial intersections are glicci. We also show that for partial intersections the first and the last Betti numbers, say m and p respectively, give bounds each other;...

On the Jacobian ideal of the binary discriminant.

Carlos D'Andrea, Jaydeep Chipalkatti (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let Δ denote the discriminant of the generic binary d-ic. We show that for d ≥ 3, the Jacobian ideal of Δ is perfect of height 2. Moreover we describe its SL2-equivariant minimal resolution and the associated differential equations satisfied by Δ. A similar result is proved for the resultant of two forms of orders d, e whenever d ≥ e-1. If Φn denotes the locus of binary forms with total root multiplicity ≥ d-n, then we show that the ideal of Φn is also perfect, and we construct a covariant which...

On the regularity and defect sequence of monomial and binomial ideals

Keivan Borna, Abolfazl Mohajer (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

When S is a polynomial ring or more generally a standard graded algebra over a field K , with homogeneous maximal ideal 𝔪 , it is known that for an ideal I of S , the regularity of powers of I becomes eventually a linear function, i.e., reg ( I m ) = d m + e for m 0 and some integers d , e . This motivates writing reg ( I m ) = d m + e m for every m 0 . The sequence e m , called the defect sequence of the ideal I , is the subject of much research and its nature is still widely unexplored. We know that e m is eventually constant. In this article, after...

On the symmetric algebra of certain first syzygy modules

Gaetana Restuccia, Zhongming Tang, Rosanna Utano (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( R , 𝔪 ) be a standard graded K -algebra over a field K . Then R can be written as S / I , where I ( x 1 , ... , x n ) 2 is a graded ideal of a polynomial ring S = K [ x 1 , ... , x n ] . Assume that n 3 and I is a strongly stable monomial ideal. We study the symmetric algebra Sym R ( Syz 1 ( 𝔪 ) ) of the first syzygy module Syz 1 ( 𝔪 ) of 𝔪 . When the minimal generators of I are all of degree 2, the dimension of Sym R ( Syz 1 ( 𝔪 ) ) is calculated and a lower bound for its depth is obtained. Under suitable conditions, this lower bound is reached.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 90