Displaying 501 – 520 of 8834

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ACM bundles, quintic threefolds and counting problems

N. Mohan Kumar, Aroor Rao (2012)

Open Mathematics

We review some facts about rank two arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay bundles on quintic threefolds. In particular, we separate them into seventeen natural classes, only fourteen of which can appear on a general quintic. We discuss some enumerative problems arising from these.

ACM embeddings of curves of a quadric surface

S. Giuffrida, R. Maggioni, R. Re (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let C be a smooth integral projective curve admitting two pencils ga1 and gb1 such that ga1 + gb1 is birational. We give conditions in order that the complete linear system |sga1 + rgb1| be normally generated or very ample.

Action du groupe de Galois sur les périodes de certaines courbes de Mumford

Christophe Brouillard (1994)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous étudions l’action du groupe de Galois sur les périodes des courbes de Mumford qui sont des revêtements cycliques de K 1 . Lorsque le degré de ce revêtement est premier à la caractéristique résiduelle du corps de base, nous décomposons le réseau des périodes en une somme directe de modules monogènes, le nombre de ces modules monogènes étant déduit de la géométrie de la courbe (théorème 4). Ceci nous permet de donner une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que le module des périodes soit libre...

Action of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group on torsion elements of full Teichmüller modular groups in genus zero

Benjamin Collas (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we establish the action of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group G T ^ on the prime order torsion elements of the profinite fundamental group π 1 g e o m ( 0 , [ n ] ) . As an intermediate result, we prove that the conjugacy classes of prime order torsion of π ^ 1 ( 0 , [ n ] ) are exactly the discrete prime order ones of the π 1 ( 0 , [ n ] ) .

Actions of parabolic subgroups in GL_n on unipotent normal subgroups and quasi-hereditary algebras

Thomas Brüstle, Lutz Hille (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let R be a parabolic subgroup in G L n . It acts on its unipotent radical R u and on any unipotent normal subgroup U via conjugation. Let Λ be the path algebra k t of a directed Dynkin quiver of type with t vertices and B a subbimodule of the radical of Λ viewed as a Λ-bimodule. Each parabolic subgroup R is the group of automorphisms of an algebra Λ(d), which is Morita equivalent to Λ. The action of R on U can be described using matrices over the bimodule B. The advantage of this description is that each...

Currently displaying 501 – 520 of 8834