Displaying 121 – 140 of 183

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Pieri-type intersection formulas and primary obstructions for decomposing 2-forms

Sinan Sertöz (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the homological intersection behaviour for the Chern cells of the universal bundle of G(d,Qₙ), the space of [d]-planes in the smooth quadric Qₙ in n + 1 over the field of complex numbers. For this purpose we define some auxiliary cells in terms of which the intersection properties of the Chern cells can be described. This is then applied to obtain some new necessary conditions for the global decomposability of a 2-form of constant rank.

Positivity and Kleiman transversality in equivariant K -theory of homogeneous spaces

Dave Anderson, Stephen Griffeth, Ezra Miller (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the conjectures of Graham–Kumar [GrKu08] and Griffeth–Ram [GrRa04] concerning the alternation of signs in the structure constants for torus-equivariant K -theory of generalized flag varieties G / P . These results are immediate consequences of an equivariant homological Kleiman transversality principle for the Borel mixing spaces of homogeneous spaces, and their subvarieties, under a natural group action with finitely many orbits. The computation of the coefficients in the expansion of the equivariant...

Positivity of Schur function expansions of Thom polynomials

Piotr Pragacz, Andrzej Weber (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Combining the approach to Thom polynomials via classifying spaces of singularities with the Fulton-Lazarsfeld theory of cone classes and positive polynomials for ample vector bundles, we show that the coefficients of the Schur function expansions of the Thom polynomials of stable singularities are nonnegative with positive sum.

Positivity of Thom polynomials II: the Lagrange singularities

Małgorzata Mikosz, Piotr Pragacz, Andrzej Weber (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study Thom polynomials associated with Lagrange singularities. We expand them in the basis of Q̃-functions. This basis plays a key role in the Schubert calculus of isotropic Grassmannians. We prove that the Q̃-function expansions of the Thom polynomials of Lagrange singularities always have nonnegative coefficients. This is an analog of a result on the Thom polynomials of mapping singularities and Schur S-functions, established formerly by the last two authors.

Predegree Polynomials of Plane Configurations in Projective Space

Tzigantchev, Dimitre (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14N10, 14C17.We work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The group PGL(4) acts naturally on PN which parameterizes surfaces of a given degree in P3. The orbit of a surface under this action is the image of a rational map PGL(4) ⊂ P15→PN. The closure of the orbit is a natural and interesting object to study. Its predegree is defined as the degree of the orbit closure multiplied by the degree of the above map restricted to a general Pj,...

Proof of Nadel’s conjecture and direct image for relative K -theory

Alain Berthomieu (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

A “relative” K -theory group for holomorphic or algebraic vector bundles on a compact or quasiprojective complex manifold is constructed, and Chern-Simons type characteristic classes are defined on this group in the spirit of Nadel. In the projective case, their coincidence with the Abel-Jacobi image of the Chern classes of the bundles is proved. Some applications to families of holomorphic bundles are given and two Riemann-Roch type theorems are proved for these classes.

Relative tangent cone of analytic curves

Danuta Ciesielska (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this paper is to give a characterization of the relative tangent cone of two analytic curves in m with an isolated intersection.

Relative tangent cone of analytic sets

Danuta Ciesielska (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a characterization of the relative tangent cone of an analytic curve and an analytic set with an improper isolated intersection. Moreover, we present an effective computation of the intersection multiplicity of a curve and a set with s-metrization.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 183