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On the k-regularity of some proyective manifolds.

Alberto Alzati, Gian Mario Besana (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

The conjecture on the (degree-codimension + 1) - regularity of projective varieties is proved for smooth linearly normal polarized varieties (X,L) with L very ample, for low values of Delta(X,L) = degree-codimension-1. Results concerning the projective normality of some classes of special varieties including scrolls over curves of genus 2 and quadric fibrations over elliptic curves, are proved.

On the number of compatibly Frobenius split subvarieties, prime F -ideals, and log canonical centers

Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a projective Frobenius split variety with a fixed Frobenius splitting θ . In this paper we give a sharp uniform bound on the number of subvarieties of X which are compatibly Frobenius split with θ . Similarly, we give a bound on the number of prime F -ideals of an F -finite F -pure local ring. Finally, we also give a bound on the number of log canonical centers of a log canonical pair. This final variant extends a special case of a result of Helmke.

On the variety of linear series on a singular curve

E. Ballico, C. Fontanari (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let Y be an integral projective curve with g := p a Y 2 . For all positive integers d , r let W d r Y * A * be the set of all L Pic d Y with h 0 Y , L r + 1 and L spanned. Here we prove that if d g - 2 , then dim W d r Y * A * d - 3 r except in a few cases (essentially if Y is a double covering).

On the variety of quadrics of rank four containing a projective curve

Alexis G. Zamora (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia X P H 0 X , L * una curva proeittiva e lissa, generali nel senso di Brill-Noether, indichiamo con R 4 X l'insieme algebrico di quadrici di rango 4 contenendo a X . In questo lavoro noi descriviamo birazionalmente i componenti irriducibile di R 4 X .

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