Displaying 41 – 60 of 166

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Equidimensional actions of algebraic tori

Haruhisa Nakajima (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let X be an affine conical factorial variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We consider equidimensional and stable algebraic actions of an algebraic torus on X compatible with the conical structure. We show that such actions are cofree and the nullcones of X associated with them are complete intersections.

Equivariant classification of 2-torus manifolds

Zhi Lü, Mikiya Masuda (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider locally standard 2-torus manifolds, which are a generalization of small covers of Davis and Januszkiewicz and study their equivariant classification. We formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for two locally standard 2-torus manifolds over the same orbit space to be equivariantly homeomorphic. This leads us to count the equivariant homeomorphism classes of locally standard 2-torus manifolds with the same orbit space.

Gale duality for complete intersections

Frédéric Bihan, Frank Sottile (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that every complete intersection defined by Laurent polynomials in an algebraic torus is isomorphic to a complete intersection defined by master functions in the complement of a hyperplane arrangement, and vice versa. We call systems defining such isomorphic schemes Gale dual systems because the exponents of the monomials in the polynomials annihilate the weights of the master functions. We use Gale duality to give a Kouchnirenko theorem for the number of solutions to a system of master...

Higher order duality and toric embeddings

Alicia Dickenstein, Sandra Di Rocco, Ragni Piene (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The notion of higher order dual varieties of a projective variety, introduced by Piene in 1983, is a natural generalization of the classical notion of projective duality. In this paper we study higher order dual varieties of projective toric embeddings. We express the degree of the second dual variety of a 2-jet spanned embedding of a smooth toric threefold in geometric and combinatorial terms, and we classify those whose second dual variety has dimension less than expected. We also describe the...

Indices of 1-forms and Newton polyhedra.

Alexander Esterov (2005)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A formula of Matsuo Oka (1990) expresses the Milnor number of a germ of a complex analytic map with a generic principal part in terms of the Newton polyhedra of the components of the map. In this paper this formula is generalized to the case of the index of a 1-form on a local complete intersection singularity (Theorem 1.10, Corollaries 1.11, 4.1). In particular, the Newton polyhedron of a 1-form is defined (Definition 1.6). This also simplifies the Oka formula in some particular cases (Propositions...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 166