Displaying 221 – 240 of 470

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On a problem concerning quasianalytic local rings

Hassan Sfouli (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let (ₙ)ₙ be a quasianalytic differentiable system. Let m ∈ ℕ. We consider the following problem: let f m and f̂ be its Taylor series at 0 m . Split the set m of exponents into two disjoint subsets A and B, m = A B , and decompose the formal series f̂ into the sum of two formal series G and H, supported by A and B, respectively. Do there exist g , h m with Taylor series at zero G and H, respectively? The main result of this paper is the following: if we have a positive answer to the above problem for some m ≥ 2, then...

On generalized “ham sandwich” theorems

Marek Golasiński (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this short note we utilize the Borsuk-Ulam Anitpodal Theorem to present a simple proof of the following generalization of the “Ham Sandwich Theorem”: Let A 1 , ... , A m n be subsets with finite Lebesgue measure. Then, for any sequence f 0 , ... , f m of -linearly independent polynomials in the polynomial ring [ X 1 , ... , X n ] there are real numbers λ 0 , ... , λ m , not all zero, such that the real affine variety { x n ; λ 0 f 0 ( x ) + + λ m f m ( x ) = 0 } simultaneously bisects each of subsets A k , k = 1 , ... , m . Then some its applications are studied.

On gradient at infinity of semialgebraic functions

Didier D'Acunto, Vincent Grandjean (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a C² semialgebraic function and let c be an asymptotic critical value of f. We prove that there exists a smallest rational number ϱ c 1 such that |x|·|∇f| and | f ( x ) - c | ϱ c are separated at infinity. If c is a regular value and ϱ c < 1 , then f is a locally trivial fibration over c, and the trivialisation is realised by the flow of the gradient field of f.

On gradients of functions definable in o-minimal structures

Krzysztof Kurdyka (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove the o-minimal generalization of the Łojasiewicz inequality grad f | f | α , with α &lt; 1 , in a neighborhood of a , where f is real analytic at a and f ( a ) = 0 . We deduce, as in the analytic case, that trajectories of the gradient of a function definable in an o-minimal structure are of uniformly bounded length. We obtain also that the gradient flow gives a retraction onto levels of such functions.

On homotopy types of limits of semi-algebraic sets and additive complexity of polynomials

Sal Barone, Saugata Basu (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that the number of distinct homotopy types of limits of one-parameter semi-algebraic families of closed and bounded semi-algebraic sets is bounded singly exponentially in the additive complexity of any quantifier-free first order formula defining the family. As an important consequence, we derive that the number of distinct homotopy types of semi-algebraic subsets of k defined by a quantifier-free first order formula Φ , where the sum of the additive complexities of the polynomials appearing...

On invariants of random planar endomorphisms

Teimuraz Aliashvili (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We estimate the expected value of the gradient degree of certain Gaussian random polynomials in two variables and discuss its relations with some other numerical invariants of random polynomials

On irreducible components of a Weierstrass-type variety

Romuald A. Janik (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a characterization of the irreducible components of a Weierstrass-type (W-type) analytic (resp. algebraic, Nash) variety in terms of the orbits of a Galois group associated in a natural way to this variety. Since every irreducible variety of pure dimension is (locally) a component of a W-type variety, this description may be applied to any such variety.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 470