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Classification of obstructions for separation of semialgebraic sets in dimension 3.

F. Acquistapace, F. Broglia, C. Andradas (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Applying general results on separation of semialgebraic sets and spaces of orderings, we produce a catalogue of all possible geometric obstructions for separation of 3-dimensional semialgebraic sets and give some hints on how separation can be made decidable.

Clifford’s Theorem for real algebraic curves

Jean-Philippe Monnier (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We establish, for smooth projective real curves, an analogue of the classical Clifford inequality known for complex curves. We also study the cases when equality holds.

Closure Theorem for Partially Semialgebraic Sets

María-Angeles Zurro (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In 1988 it was proved by the first author that the closure of a partially semialgebraic set is partially semialgebraic. The essential tool used in that proof was the regular separation property. Here we give another proof without using this tool, based on the semianalytic L-cone theorem (Theorem 2), a semianalytic analog of the Cartan-Remmert-Stein lemma with parameters.

Codimension 1 subvarieties g and real gonality of real curves

Edoardo Ballico (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let g be the moduli space of smooth complex projective curves of genus g . Here we prove that the subset of g formed by all curves for which some Brill-Noether locus has dimension larger than the expected one has codimension at least two in g . As an application we show that if X g is defined over , then there exists a low degree pencil u X 1 defined over .

Codimension two transcendental submanifolds of projective space

Wojciech Kucharz, Santiago R. Simanca (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We provide a simple characterization of codimension two submanifolds of n ( ) that are of algebraic type, and use this criterion to provide examples of transcendental submanifolds when n 6 . If the codimension two submanifold is a nonsingular algebraic subset of n ( ) whose Zariski closure in n ( ) is a nonsingular complex algebraic set, then it must be an algebraic complete intersection in n ( ) .

Compactification via le spectre réel d’espaces des classes de représentation dans SO ( n , 1 )

Taoufik Bouzoubaa (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit Γ un groupe de type fini non élémentaire. On note D n ( Γ ) l’ensemble des structures hyperboliques de dimension n sur Γ . D n ( Γ ) peut se réaliser comme fermé dans un espace semi-algébrique qui admet une compactification naturelle par le spectre réel. On note D n ( Γ ) sp le compactifié via le spectre _ réel de D n ( Γ ) . L’objet de cet article est de décrire les points ajoutés dans D n ( Γ ) sp . La compactification obtenue de cette manière permet d’interpréter “les points frontières” comme des représentations de Γ dans SO F + ( n , 1 ) F ( ) est un corps réel...

Complex orientation formulas for M -curves of degree 4 d + 1 with 4 nests

S.Yu. Orevkov (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

On démontre la formule d’orientations complexes pour les M -courbes dans P 2 de degré 4 d + 1 ayant 4 nids. Cette formule généralise celle pour les M -courbes à nid profond. C’est un pas vers la classification des M -courbes de degré 9 .

Computation of the distance to semi-algebraic sets

Christophe Ferrier (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is devoted to the computation of distance to set, called S, defined by polynomial equations. First we consider the case of quadratic systems. Then, application of results stated for quadratic systems to the quadratic equivalent of polynomial systems (see [5]), allows us to compute distance to semi-algebraic sets. Problem of computing distance can be viewed as non convex minimization problem: d ( u , S ) = inf x S x - u 2 , where u is in n . To have, at least, lower approximation of distance, we consider the dual...

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