Displaying 1661 – 1680 of 3007

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On Kolchin's theorem.

Israel N. Herstein (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A well-known theorem due to Kolchin states that a semi-group G of unipotent matrices over a field F can be brought to a triangular form over the field F [4, Theorem H]. Recall that a matrix A is called unipotent if its only eigenvalue is 1, or, equivalently, if the matrix I - A is nilpotent.Many years ago I noticed that this result of Kolchin is an immediate consequence of a too-little known result due to Wedderburn [6]. This result of Wedderburn asserts that if B is a finite dimensional algebra...

On Laplacian eigenvalues of connected graphs

Igor Ž. Milovanović, Emina I. Milovanović, Edin Glogić (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be an undirected connected graph with n , n 3 , vertices and m edges with Laplacian eigenvalues μ 1 μ 2 μ n - 1 > μ n = 0 . Denote by μ I = μ r 1 + μ r 2 + + μ r k , 1 k n - 2 , 1 r 1 < r 2 < < r k n - 1 , the sum of k arbitrary Laplacian eigenvalues, with μ I 1 = μ 1 + μ 2 + + μ k and μ I n = μ n - k + + μ n - 1 . Lower bounds of graph invariants μ I 1 - μ I n and μ I 1 / μ I n are obtained. Some known inequalities follow as a special case.

On linear operators strongly preserving invariants of Boolean matrices

Yizhi Chen, Xian Zhong Zhao (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝔹 k be the general Boolean algebra and T a linear operator on M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) . If for any A in M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) ( M n ( 𝔹 k ) , respectively), A is regular (invertible, respectively) if and only if T ( A ) is regular (invertible, respectively), then T is said to strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices. In this paper, we will give complete characterizations of the linear operators that strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices over 𝔹 k . Meanwhile, noting that a general Boolean algebra 𝔹 k is isomorphic...

On linear preservers of two-sided gut-majorization on 𝐌 n , m

Asma Ilkhanizadeh Manesh, Ahmad Mohammadhasani (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For X , Y 𝐌 n , m it is said that X is gut-majorized by Y , and we write X gut Y , if there exists an n -by- n upper triangular g-row stochastic matrix R such that X = R Y . Define the relation gut as follows. X gut Y if X is gut-majorized by Y and Y is gut-majorized by X . The (strong) linear preservers of gut on n and strong linear preservers of this relation on 𝐌 n , m have been characterized before. This paper characterizes all (strong) linear preservers and strong linear preservers of gut on n and 𝐌 n , m .

On log-subharmonicity of singular values of matrices

Bernard Aupetit (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Let F be an analytic function from an open subset Ω of the complex plane into the algebra of n×n matrices. Denoting by s 1 , . . . , s n the decreasing sequence of singular values of a matrix, we prove that the functions l o g s 1 ( F ( λ ) ) + . . . + l o g s k ( F ( λ ) ) and l o g + s 1 ( F ( λ ) ) + . . . + l o g + s k ( F ( λ ) ) are subharmonic on Ω for 1 ≤ k ≤ n.

On melancholic magic squares

Götz Trenkler, Dietrich Trenkler (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Starting with Dürer's magic square which appears in the well-known copper plate engraving Melencolia we consider the class of melancholic magic squares. Each member of this class exhibits the same 86 patterns of Dürer's magic square and is magic again. Special attention is paid to the eigenstructure of melancholic magic squares, their group inverse and their Moore-Penrose inverse. It is seen how the patterns of the original Dürer square to a large extent are passed down also to the inverses of the...

Currently displaying 1661 – 1680 of 3007