Displaying 1681 – 1700 of 3959

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Notes on slender prime rings

Robert El Bashir, Tomáš Kepka (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

If R is a prime ring such that R is not completely reducible and the additive group R ( + ) is not complete, then R is slender.

Odd H-depth and H-separable extensions

Lars Kadison (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let C n(A,B) be the relative Hochschild bar resolution groups of a subring B ⊆ A. The subring pair has right depth 2n if C n+1(A,B) is isomorphic to a direct summand of a multiple of C n(A,B) as A-B-bimodules; depth 2n + 1 if the same condition holds only as B-B-bimodules. It is then natural to ask what is defined if this same condition should hold as A-A-bimodules, the so-called H-depth 2n − 1 condition. In particular, the H-depth 1 condition coincides with A being an H-separable extension of B....

Ojective ideals in modular lattices

Shriram K. Nimbhorkar, Rupal C. Shroff (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The concept of an extending ideal in a modular lattice is introduced. A translation of module-theoretical concept of ojectivity (i.e. generalized relative injectivity) in the context of the lattice of ideals of a modular lattice is introduced. In a modular lattice satisfying a certain condition, a characterization is given for direct summands of an extending ideal to be mutually ojective. We define exchangeable decomposition and internal exchange property of an ideal in a modular lattice. It is...

On ℤ/2ℤ-extensions of pointed fusion categories

Leonid Vainerman, Jean-Michel Vallin (2012)

Banach Center Publications

We give a classification of ℤ/2ℤ-graded fusion categories whose 0-component is a pointed fusion category. A number of concrete examples are considered.

Currently displaying 1681 – 1700 of 3959