Displaying 1761 – 1780 of 3959

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On clean ideals.

Chen, Huanyin, Chen, Miaosen (2003)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-commutative surface singularities

Yuriy Drozd, Volodymyr Gavran (2014)

Open Mathematics

We generalize the results of Kahn about a correspondence between Cohen-Macaulay modules and vector bundles to non-commutative surface singularities. As an application, we give examples of non-commutative surface singularities which are not Cohen-Macaulay finite, but are Cohen-Macaulay tame.

On (Co)homology of triangular Banach algebras

Mohammad Sal Moslehian (2005)

Banach Center Publications

Suppose that A and B are unital Banach algebras with units 1 A and 1 B , respectively, M is a unital Banach A,B-module, = A M 0 B is the triangular Banach algebra, X is a unital -bimodule, X A A = 1 A X 1 A , X B B = 1 B X 1 B , X A B = 1 A X 1 B and X B A = 1 B X 1 A . Applying two nice long exact sequences related to A, B, , X, X A A , X B B , X A B and X B A we establish some results on (co)homology of triangular Banach algebras.

On commutative twisted group rings

Todor Zh. Mollov, Nako A. Nachev (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be an abelian group, R a commutative ring of prime characteristic p with identity and R t G a commutative twisted group ring of G over R . Suppose p is a fixed prime, G p and S ( R t G ) are the p -components of G and of the unit group U ( R t G ) of R t G , respectively. Let R * be the multiplicative group of R and let f α ( S ) be the α -th Ulm-Kaplansky invariant of S ( R t G ) where α is any ordinal. In the paper the invariants f n ( S ) , n { 0 } , are calculated, provided G p = 1 . Further, a commutative ring R with identity of prime characteristic p is said...

On complements and the factorization problem of Hopf algebras

Sebastian Burciu (2011)

Open Mathematics

Two new results concerning complements in a semisimple Hopf algebra are proved. They extend some well-known results from group theory. The uniqueness of a Krull-Schmidt-Remak type decomposition is proved for semisimple completely reducible Hopf algebras.

On computation of minimal free resolutions over solvable polynomial algebras

Huishi Li (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let A = K [ a 1 , ... , a n ] be a (noncommutative) solvable polynomial algebra over a field K in the sense of A. Kandri-Rody and V. Weispfenning [Non-commutative Gröbner bases in algebras of solvable type, J. Symbolic Comput. 9 (1990), 1–26]. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the computation of minimal free resolutions of modules over A in the following two cases: (1) A = p A p is an -graded algebra with the degree-0 homogeneous part A 0 = K ; (2) A is an -filtered algebra with the filtration { F p A } p determined by a positive-degree...

Currently displaying 1761 – 1780 of 3959