Displaying 161 – 180 of 397

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A note on tilting sequences

Clezio Braga, Flávio Coelho (2008)

Open Mathematics

We discuss the existence of tilting modules which are direct limits of finitely generated tilting modules over tilted algebras.

A note on V-rings

Andreas G. Athanasiadis (1971)

Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρίας

A presentation by generators and relations of Nichols algebras of diagonal type and convex orders on root systems

Iván Ezequiel Angiono (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We obtain a presentation by generators and relations of any Nichols algebra of diagonal type with finite root system. We prove that the defining ideal is finitely generated. The proof is based on Kharchenko’s theory of PBW bases of Lyndon words. We prove that the lexicographic order on Lyndon words is convex for PBW generators and so the PBW basis is orthogonal with respect to the canonical non-degenerate form associated to the Nichols algebra.

A Priddy-type Koszulness criterion for non-locally finite algebras

Maurizio Brunetti, Adriana Ciampella (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A celebrated result by S. Priddy states the Koszulness of any locally finite homogeneous PBW-algebra, i.e. a homogeneous graded algebra having a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis. We find sufficient conditions for a non-locally finite homogeneous PBW-algebra to be Koszul, which allows us to completely determine the cohomology of the universal Steenrod algebra at any prime.

A properly infinite Banach *-algebra with a non-zero, bounded trace

H. G. Dales, Niels Jakob Laustsen, Charles J. Read (2003)

Studia Mathematica

A properly infinite C*-algebra has no non-zero traces. We construct properly infinite Banach *-algebras with non-zero, bounded traces, and show that there are even such algebras which are fairly "close" to the class of C*-algebras, in the sense that they can be hermitian or *-semisimple.

A property for locally convex *-algebras related to property (T) and character amenability

Xiao Chen, Anthony To-Ming Lau, Chi-Keung Ng (2015)

Studia Mathematica

For a locally convex *-algebra A equipped with a fixed continuous *-character ε (which is roughly speaking a generalized F*-algebra), we define a cohomological property, called property (FH), which is similar to character amenability. Let C c ( G ) be the space of continuous functions with compact support on a second countable locally compact group G equipped with the convolution *-algebra structure and a certain inductive topology. We show that ( C c ( G ) , ε G ) has property (FH) if and only if G has property (T). On...

A reduction theorem for ring varieties whose subvariety lattice is distributive

Mikhail V. Volkov (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We prove a theorem (for arbitrary ring varieties and, in a stronger form, for varieties of associative rings) which basically reduces the problem of a description of varieties with distributive subvariety lattice to the case of algebras over a finite prime field.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 397