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Wakamatsu tilting modules with finite injective dimension

Guoqiang Zhao, Lirong Yin (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a left Noetherian ring, S a right Noetherian ring and R ω a Wakamatsu tilting module with S = End ( R ω ) . We introduce the notion of the ω -torsionfree dimension of finitely generated R -modules and give some criteria for computing it. For any n 0 , we prove that l . id R ( ω ) = r . id S ( ω ) n if and only if every finitely generated left R -module and every finitely generated right S -module have ω -torsionfree dimension at most n , if and only if every finitely generated left R -module (or right S -module) has generalized Gorenstein dimension...

Weak dimensions and Gorenstein weak dimensions of group rings

Yueming Xiang (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field, and let G be a group. In the present paper, we investigate when the group ring K [ G ] has finite weak dimension and finite Gorenstein weak dimension. We give some analogous versions of Serre’s theorem for the weak dimension and the Gorenstein weak dimension.

Weak n -injective and weak n -fat modules

Umamaheswaran Arunachalam, Saravanan Raja, Selvaraj Chelliah, Joseph Kennedy Annadevasahaya Mani (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce and study the concepts of weak n -injective and weak n -flat modules in terms of super finitely presented modules whose projective dimension is at most n , which generalize the n -FP-injective and n -flat modules. We show that the class of all weak n -injective R -modules is injectively resolving, whereas that of weak n -flat right R -modules is projectively resolving and the class of weak n -injective (or weak n -flat) modules together with its left (or right) orthogonal class forms a hereditary...

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