Simple special Jordan superalgebras with associative even part.
We prove a singular version of Beilinson–Bernstein localization for a complex semi-simple Lie algebra following ideas from the positive characteristic case settled by [BMR06]. We apply this theory to translation functors, singular blocks in the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand category O and Whittaker modules.
The Kähler quotient of a complex reductive Lie group relative to the conjugation action carries a complex algebraic stratified Kähler structure which reflects the geometry of the group. For the group SL(n,ℂ), we interpret the resulting singular Poisson-Kähler geometry of the quotient in terms of complex discriminant varieties and variants thereof.
The geometric small property (Borho-MacPherson [2]) of projective morphisms implies a description of their singularities in terms of intersection homology. In this paper we solve the smallness problem raised by Nakajima [37, 35] for certain resolutions of quiver varieties [37] (analogs of the Springer resolution): for Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of simply-laced quantum affine algebras, we characterize explicitly the Drinfeld polynomials corresponding to the small resolutions. We use an elimination...