Displaying 21 – 40 of 93

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Higher-dimensional Auslander-Reiten sequences

Jiangsha Li, Jing He (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Zhou and Zhu have shown that if 𝒞 is an ( n + 2 ) -angulated category and 𝒳 is a cluster tilting subcategory of 𝒞 , then the quotient category 𝒞 / 𝒳 is an n -abelian category. We show that if 𝒞 has Auslander-Reiten ( n + 2 ) -angles, then 𝒞 / 𝒳 has Auslander-Reiten n -exact sequences.

Homological dimensions and approximate contractibility for Köthe algebras

Alexei Yu. Pirkovskii (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We give a survey of our recent results on homological properties of Köthe algebras, with an emphasis on biprojectivity, biflatness, and homological dimension. Some new results on the approximate contractibility of Köthe algebras are also presented.

Homological projective duality

Alexander Kuznetsov (2007)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We introduce a notion of homological projective duality for smooth algebraic varieties in dual projective spaces, a homological extension of the classical projective duality. If algebraic varieties X and Y in dual projective spaces are homologically projectively dual, then we prove that the orthogonal linear sections of X and Y admit semiorthogonal decompositions with an equivalent nontrivial component. In particular, it follows that triangulated categories of singularities of these sections are...

Homologie et modèle minimal des algèbres de Gerstenhaber

Grégory Ginot (2004)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

On étudie ici les notions d’algèbre de Gerstenhaber à homotopie près et d’homologie des algèbres de Gerstenhaber du point de vue de la théorie des opérades. Précisément, on donne une description explicite des 𝒢 -algèbres à homotopie près (c’est-à-dire d’algèbres sur le modèle minimal de l’opérade 𝒢 des algèbres de Gerstenhaber). On décrit également le complexe calculant l’homologie des 𝒢 -algèbres. On donne une suite spectrale qui converge vers cette homologie et quelques exemples de calculs. Enfin...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 93