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Generic representations of orthogonal groups: projective functors in the category q u a d

Christine Vespa (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We continue the study of the category of functors q u a d , associated to ₂-vector spaces equipped with a nondegenerate quadratic form, initiated in J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008) and Algebr. Geom. Topology 7 (2007). We define a filtration of the standard projective objects in q u a d ; this refines to give a decomposition into indecomposable factors of the first two standard projective objects in q u a d : P H and P H . As an application of these two decompositions, we give a complete description of the polynomial functors...

G-functors, G-posets and homotopy decompositions of G-spaces

Stefan Jackowski, Jolanta Słomińska (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe a unifying approach to a variety of homotopy decompositions of classifying spaces, mainly of finite groups. For a group G acting on a poset W and an isotropy presheaf d:W → (G) we construct a natural G-map h o c o l i m d G / d ( - ) | W | which is a (non-equivariant) homotopy equivalence, hence h o c o l i m d E G × G F d E G × G | W | is a homotopy equivalence. Different choices of G-posets and isotropy presheaves on them lead to homotopy decompositions of classifying spaces. We analyze higher limits over the categories associated to isotropy presheaves...

Gorenstein dimension of abelian categories arising from cluster tilting subcategories

Yu Liu, Panyue Zhou (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒞 be a triangulated category and 𝒳 be a cluster tilting subcategory of 𝒞 . Koenig and Zhu showed that the quotient category 𝒞 / 𝒳 is Gorenstein of Gorenstein dimension at most one. But this is not always true when 𝒞 becomes an exact category. The notion of an extriangulated category was introduced by Nakaoka and Palu as a simultaneous generalization of exact categories and triangulated categories. Now let 𝒞 be an extriangulated category with enough projectives and enough injectives, and 𝒳 a cluster...

Gorenstein projective complexes with respect to cotorsion pairs

Renyu Zhao, Pengju Ma (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( 𝒜 , ) be a complete and hereditary cotorsion pair in the category of left R -modules. In this paper, the so-called Gorenstein projective complexes with respect to the cotorsion pair ( 𝒜 , ) are introduced. We show that these complexes are just the complexes of Gorenstein projective modules with respect to the cotorsion pair ( 𝒜 , ) . As an application, we prove that both the Gorenstein projective modules with respect to cotorsion pairs and the Gorenstein projective complexes with respect to cotorsion pairs possess...

Gorenstein star modules and Gorenstein tilting modules

Peiyu Zhang (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce the notion of Gorenstein star modules and obtain some properties and a characterization of them. We mainly give the relationship between n -Gorenstein star modules and n -Gorenstein tilting modules, see L. Yan, W. Li, B. Ouyang (2016), and a new characterization of n -Gorenstein tilting modules.

Graded blocks of group algebras with dihedral defect groups

Dusko Bogdanic (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate gradings on tame blocks of group algebras whose defect groups are dihedral. For this subfamily of tame blocks we classify gradings up to graded Morita equivalence, we transfer gradings via derived equivalences, and we check the existence, positivity and tightness of gradings. We classify gradings by computing the group of outer automorphisms that fix the isomorphism classes of simple modules.

Graph Cohomology, Colored Posets and Homological Algebra in Functor Categories

Jolanta Słomińska (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The homology theory of colored posets, defined by B. Everitt and P. Turner, is generalized. Two graph categories are defined and Khovanov type graph cohomology are interpreted as Ext* groups in functor categories associated to these categories. The connection, described by J. H. Przytycki, between the Hochschild homology of an algebra and the graph cohomology, defined for the same algebra and a cyclic graph, is explained from the point of view of homological algebra in functor categories.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 75