Displaying 981 – 1000 of 3013

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Exponential Objects

Marco Riccardi (2015)

Formalized Mathematics

In the first part of this article we formalize the concepts of terminal and initial object, categorical product [4] and natural transformation within a free-object category [1]. In particular, we show that this definition of natural transformation is equivalent to the standard definition [13]. Then we introduce the exponential object using its universal property and we show the isomorphism between the exponential object of categories and the functor category [12].

Ext-algebras and derived equivalences

Dag Madsen (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using derived categories, we develop an alternative approach to defining Koszulness for positively graded algebras where the degree zero part is not necessarily semisimple.

Extensional subobjects in categories of Ω -fuzzy sets

Jiří Močkoř (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Two categories 𝕊𝕖𝕥 ( Ω ) and 𝕊𝕖𝕥𝔽 ( Ω ) of fuzzy sets over an M V -algebra Ω are investigated. Full subcategories of these categories are introduced consisting of objects ( s u b ( A , δ ) , σ ) , where s u b ( A , δ ) is a subset of all extensional subobjects of an object ( A , δ ) . It is proved that all these subcategories are quasi-reflective subcategories in the corresponding categories.

Extensions centrales d'algèbres de Lie

Christian Kassel, Jean-Louis Loday (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient k un anneau commutatif et A une k -algèbre associative quelconque. Nous calculons le groupe d’homologie H 2 ( 𝔰 l n ( A ) , k ) de la k -algèbre de Lie 𝔰 l n ( A ) des matrices de “trace nulle” sur A . Le groupe ainsi déterminé est un groupe d’homologie d’un complexe inspiré d’A. Connes; il est isomorphe à Ω A / k 1 / d A lorsque A est commutative. Nous obtenons également des résultats pour un groupe d’homologie relative associé à une surjection de k -algèbres. Les démonstrations utilisent la classification des extensions centrales et des...

Currently displaying 981 – 1000 of 3013