Présentation et simplifiabilité de certains monoïdes
We obtain a presentation for the singular part of the Brauer monoid with respect to an irreducible system of generators consisting of idempotents. As an application of this result we get a new construction of the symmetric group via connected sequences of subsets. Another application describes the lengths of elements in the singular part of the Brauer monoid with respect to the system of generators mentioned above.
Let be an -chain. We give presentations for the following transformation semigroups: the semigroup of full order-decreasing mappings of , the semigroup of partial one-to-one order-decreasing mappings of , the semigroup of full order-preserving and order-decreasing mappings of , the semigroup of partial one-to-one order-preserving and order-decreasing mappings of , and the semigroup of partial order-preserving and order-decreasing mappings of .
All finite simple groups of Lie type of rank over a field of size , with the possible exception of the Ree groups , have presentations with at most 49 relations and bit-length . Moreover, and have presentations with 3 generators; 7 relations and bit-length , while has a presentation with 6 generators, 25 relations and bit-length .
We extend and generalise Sergiescu's results on planar graphs and presentations for the braid group Bₙ to other topological generalisations of Bₙ.
he class of all M-solid varieties of a given type t forms a complete sublattice of the lattice ℒ(τ) of all varieties of algebrasof type t. This gives a tool for a better description of the lattice ℒ(τ) by characterization of complete sublattices. In particular, this was done for varieties of semigroups by L. Polák ([10]) as well as by Denecke and Koppitz ([4], [5]). Denecke and Hounnon characterized M-solid varieties of semirings ([3]) and M-solid varieties of groups were characterized by Koppitz...
Pre-hyperidentities generalize the concept of a hyperidentity. A variety is said to be pre-solid if every identity in is a pre-hyperidentity. Every solid variety is pre-solid. We consider pre-solid varieties of semigroups which are not solid, determine the smallest and the largest of them, and some elements in this interval.
Generalized hypersubstitutions are mappings from the set of all fundamental operations into the set of all terms of the same language do not necessarily preserve the arities. Strong hyperidentities are identities which are closed under the generalized hypersubstitutions and a strongly solid variety is a variety which every its identity is a strong hyperidentity. In this paper we give an example of pre-strongly solid varieties of commutative semigroups and determine the least and the greatest pre-strongly...
We show that in a finite group which is -nilpotent for at most one prime dividing its order, there exists an element whose conjugacy class length is divisible by more than half of the primes dividing .