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Bar complexes and extensions of classical exponential functors

Antoine Touzé (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We compute Ext-groups between classical exponential functors (i.e. symmetric, exterior or divided powers) and their Frobenius twists. Our method relies on bar constructions, and bridges these Ext-groups with the homology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.This article completes earlier results of the author, and provides an alternative approach to classical Ext-computations in the category of strict polynomial functors over fields. We also obtain significant Ext-computations for strict polynomial functors...

Bar-invariant bases of the quantum cluster algebra of type A 2 ( 2 )

Xueqing Chen, Ming Ding, Jie Sheng (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We construct bar-invariant [ q ± 1 / 2 ] -bases of the quantum cluster algebra of the valued quiver A 2 ( 2 ) , one of which coincides with the quantum analogue of the basis of the corresponding cluster algebra discussed in P. Sherman, A. Zelevinsky: Positivity and canonical bases in rank 2 cluster algebras of finite and affine types, Moscow Math. J., 4, 2004, 947–974.

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