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Tame tensor products of algebras

Zbigniew Leszczyński, Andrzej Skowroński (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

With the help of Galois coverings, we describe the tame tensor products A K B of basic, connected, nonsimple, finite-dimensional algebras A and B over an algebraically closed field K. In particular, the description of all tame group algebras AG of finite groups G over finite-dimensional algebras A is completed.

Tensor product and local interior G-algebras.

Wenlin Huang (2006)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper we get some properties which are compatible with the outer tensor product of local interior G-algebras in Section 2, in Section 3 we generalize the results of Külshammer in [2] on some indecomposable modules by the tool of inner tensor product of local interior G-algebras, we also discussed the centralizer CA(AG) of AG in A for an interior G-algebra A in Section 4, which makes sense for the extended definition in Section 1.

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