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1 -cocycles on the group of contactomorphisms on the supercircle S 1 | 3 generalizing the Schwarzian derivative

Boujemaa Agrebaoui, Raja Hattab (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The relative cohomology H diff 1 ( 𝕂 ( 1 | 3 ) , 𝔬𝔰𝔭 ( 2 , 3 ) ; 𝒟 λ , μ ( S 1 | 3 ) ) of the contact Lie superalgebra 𝕂 ( 1 | 3 ) with coefficients in the space of differential operators 𝒟 λ , μ ( S 1 | 3 ) acting on tensor densities on S 1 | 3 , is calculated in N. Ben Fraj, I. Laraied, S. Omri (2013) and the generating 1 -cocycles are expressed in terms of the infinitesimal super-Schwarzian derivative 1 -cocycle s ( X f ) = D 1 D 2 D 3 ( f ) α 3 1 / 2 , X f 𝕂 ( 1 | 3 ) which is invariant with respect to the conformal subsuperalgebra 𝔬𝔰𝔭 ( 2 , 3 ) of 𝕂 ( 1 | 3 ) . In this work we study the supergroup case. We give an explicit construction of 1 -cocycles of the group...

A characterization of the linear groups L 2 ( p )

Alireza Khalili Asboei, Ali Iranmanesh (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a finite group and π e ( G ) be the set of element orders of G . Let k π e ( G ) and m k be the number of elements of order k in G . Set nse ( G ) : = { m k : k π e ( G ) } . In fact nse ( G ) is the set of sizes of elements with the same order in G . In this paper, by nse ( G ) and order, we give a new characterization of finite projective special linear groups L 2 ( p ) over a field with p elements, where p is prime. We prove the following theorem: If G is a group such that | G | = | L 2 ( p ) | and nse ( G ) consists of 1 , p 2 - 1 , p ( p + ϵ ) / 2 and some numbers divisible by 2 p , where p is a prime greater than...

A characterization property of the simple group PSL 4 ( 5 ) by the set of its element orders

Mohammad Reza Darafsheh, Yaghoub Farjami, Abdollah Sadrudini (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let ω ( G ) denote the set of element orders of a finite group G . If H is a finite non-abelian simple group and ω ( H ) = ω ( G ) implies G contains a unique non-abelian composition factor isomorphic to H , then G is called quasirecognizable by the set of its element orders. In this paper we will prove that the group P S L 4 ( 5 ) is quasirecognizable.

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