Uniform semigroups whose proper quasiideal s are power joined.
Usually, an abelian -group, even an archimedean -group, has a relatively large infinity of distinct -closures. Here, we find a reasonably large class with unique and perfectly describable -closure, the class of archimedean -groups with weak unit which are “-convex”. ( is the group of rationals.) Any is -convex and its unique -closure is the Alexandroff algebra of functions on defined from the clopen sets; this is sometimes .
We establish a unique factorization result into irreducibel elements in the partial semigroup of 2 × 2-matrices with entries in K[x] whose determinant is equal to 1, where K is a field, and where multiplication is defined as the usual matrix-multiplication if the degrees of the factors add up. This investigation is motivated by a result on matrices of entire functions.