Displaying 21 – 40 of 53

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Some remarks on almost finitely generated nilpotent groups.

Peter Hilton, Robert Militello (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We identify two generalizations of the notion of a finitely generated nilpotent. Thus a nilpotent group G is fgp if Gp is fg as p-local group for each p; and G is fg-like if there exists a fg nilpotent group H such that Gp ≅ Hp for all p. The we have proper set-inclusions:{fg} ⊂ {fg-like} ⊂ {fgp}.We examine the extent to which fg-like nilpotent groups satisfy the axioms for a Serre class. We obtain a complete answer only in the case that [G, G] is finite. (The collection of fgp nilpotent groups...

Some remarks on groups in which elements with the same p -power commute

Patrizia Longobardi, Mercede Maj (1999)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this paper we characterize certain classes of groups G in which, from x p = y p ( x , y G , p a fixed prime), it follows that x y = y x . Our results extend results previously obtained by other authors, in the finite case.

Strong boundedness and algebraically closed groups

Barbara Majcher-Iwanow (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a non-trivial algebraically closed group and X be a subset of G generating G in infinitely many steps. We give a construction of a binary tree associated with ( G , X ) . Using this we show that if G is ω 1 -existentially closed then it is strongly bounded.

Strongly bounded automorphism groups

A. Ivanov (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A group G is strongly bounded if every isometric action of G on a metric space has bounded orbits. We show that the automorphism groups of typical countable structures with the small index property are strongly bounded. In particular we show that this is the case when G is the automorphism group of the countable universal locally finite extension of a periodic abelian group.

Structure of geodesics in the Cayley graph of infinite Coxeter groups

Ryszard Szwarc (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (W,S) be a Coxeter system such that no two generators in S commute. Assume that the Cayley graph of (W,S) does not contain adjacent hexagons. Then for any two vertices x and y in the Cayley graph of W and any number k ≤ d = dist(x,y) there are at most two vertices z such that dist(x,z) = k and dist(z,y) = d - k. Allowing adjacent hexagons, but assuming that no three hexagons can be adjacent to each other, we show that the number of such intermediate vertices at a given distance from x and y...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 53