A flat plane that is not the limit of periodic flat planes.
Using the notion of relative presentation due to Bogley and Pride, we give a new proof of a theorem of Prishchepov on the asphericity of certain symmetric presentations of groups. Then we obtain further results and applications to topology of low-dimensional manifolds.
The cogrowth exponent of a group controls the random walk spectrum. We prove that for a generic group (in the density model) this exponent is arbitrarily close to that of a free group. Moreover, this exponent is stable under random quotients of torsion-free hyperbolic groups.
Dans cet article, on montre que l’espace des groupes marqués est un sous-espace fermé d’un ensemble de Cantor dont la dimension de Hausdorff est infinie. On prouve que la dimension de Minkowski de cet espace est infinie en exhibant des sous-ensembles de groupes marqués à petite simplification dont les dimensions de Minkowski sont arbitrairement grandes. On donne une estimation des dimensions de Minkowski de sous-espaces de groupes à un relateur. On démontre enfin que les dimensions de Minkowski...
Let Fp be a free group of rank p ≥ 2. It is well-known that, with respect to a p-element generating set, that is, a basis, the exponential growth rate of Fp is 2p-1. We show that the exponential growth rate τ of a group G with respect to a p-element generating set X is 2p-1 if and only if G is free on X; otherwise τ < 2p-1. We also prove that, for any finite generating set X of Fp which is disjoint from X-1, the exponential growth rate τ of Fp with respect to X is 2p-1 if and only if X is...