A characterization of ordered groups by means of segments
Let be a field with a Krull valuation and value group , and let be the valuation ring. Theories about spaces of countable type and Hilbert-like spaces in [1] and spaces of continuous linear operators in [2] require that all absolutely convex subsets of the base field should be countably generated as -modules.By [1] Prop. 1.4.1, the field is metrizable if and only if the value group has a cofinal sequence. We prove that for any fixed cardinality , there exists a metrizable field ...
In this expository article we use topological ideas, notably compactness, to establish certain basic properties of orderable groups. Many of the properties we shall discuss are well-known, but I believe some of the proofs are new. These will be used, in turn, to prove some orderability results, including the left-orderability of the group of PL homeomorphisms of a surface with boundary, which are fixed on at least one boundary component.
In the present paper, we will show that the set of minimal elements of a full affine semigroup contains a free basis of the group generated by in . This will be applied to the study of the group for a semilocal ring .
Convergent and fundamental sequences are studied in a half linearly cyclically ordered group G with the abelian increasing part. The main result is the construction of the Cantor extension of G.
There is proved that a convex maximal line in a median group , containing 0, is a direct factor of .