Displaying 421 – 440 of 493

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On the uniqueness of uniform norms and C*-norms

P. A. Dabhi, H. V. Dedania (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a semisimple, commutative Banach algebra has either exactly one uniform norm or infinitely many uniform norms; this answers a question asked by S. J. Bhatt and H. V. Dedania [Studia Math. 160 (2004)]. A similar result is proved for C*-norms on *-semisimple, commutative Banach *-algebras. These properties are preserved if the identity is adjoined. We also show that a commutative Beurling *-algebra L¹(G,ω) has exactly one uniform norm if and only if it has exactly one C*-norm; this is...

On top spaces.

Molaei, M.R., Khadekar, G.S., Farhangdost, M.R. (2006)

Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA)

On topological groups with a small base and metrizability

Saak Gabriyelyan, Jerzy Kąkol, Arkady Leiderman (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A (Hausdorff) topological group is said to have a -base if it admits a base of neighbourhoods of the unit, U α : α , such that U α U β whenever β ≤ α for all α , β . The class of all metrizable topological groups is a proper subclass of the class T G of all topological groups having a -base. We prove that a topological group is metrizable iff it is Fréchet-Urysohn and has a -base. We also show that any precompact set in a topological group G T G is metrizable, and hence G is strictly angelic. We deduce from this result...

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 493