Displaying 441 – 460 of 493

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On unitary Cauchy filters on topological monoids

Boris G. Averbukh (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

For Hausdorff topological monoids, the concept of a unitary Cauchy net is a generalization of the concept of a fundamental sequence of reals. We consider properties and applications of such nets and of corresponding filters and prove, in particular, that the underlying set of a given monoid, endowed with the family of such filters, forms a Cauchy space whose convergence structure defines a uniform topology. A commutative monoid endowed with the corresponding uniformity is uniform. A distant purpose...

On unitary extensions and unitary completions of topological monoids

Boris G. Averbukh (2016)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

The concept of a unitary Cauchy net in an arbitrary Hausdorff topological monoid generalizes the concept of a fundamental sequence of reals. We construct extensions of this monoid where all its unitary Cauchy nets converge.

On universal enveloping algebras in a topological setting

Daniel Beltiţă, Mihai Nicolae (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study some embeddings of suitably topologized spaces of vector-valued smooth functions on topological groups, where smoothness is defined via differentiability along continuous one-parameter subgroups. As an application, we investigate the canonical correspondences between the universal enveloping algebra, the invariant local operators, and the convolution algebra of distributions supported at the unit element of any finite-dimensional Lie group, when one passes from finite-dimensional Lie groups...

On volumes of arithmetic quotients of S O ( 1 , n )

Mikhail Belolipetsky (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We apply G. Prasad’s volume formula for the arithmetic quotients of semi-simple groups and Bruhat-Tits theory to study the covolumes of arithmetic subgroups of S O ( 1 , n ) . As a result we prove that for any even dimension  n there exists a unique compact arithmetic hyperbolic n -orbifold of the smallest volume. We give a formula for the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of the orbifolds and present an explicit description of their fundamental groups as the stabilizers of certain lattices in quadratic spaces. We...

One-parameter subgroups and the B-C-H formula

Wojciech Wojtyński (1994)

Studia Mathematica

An algebraic scheme for Lie theory of topological groups with "large" families of one-parameter subgroups is proposed. Such groups are quotients of "𝔼ℝ-groups", i.e. topological groups equipped additionally with the continuous exterior binary operation of multiplication by real numbers, and generated by special ("exponential") elements. It is proved that under natural conditions on the topology of an 𝔼ℝ-group its group multiplication is described by the B-C-H formula in terms of the associated...

Open subgroups of free topological groups

Jeremy Brazas (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The theory of covering spaces is often used to prove the Nielsen-Schreier theorem, which states that every subgroup of a free group is free. We apply the more general theory of semicovering spaces to obtain analogous subgroup theorems for topological groups: Every open subgroup of a free Graev topological group is a free Graev topological group. An open subgroup of a free Markov topological group is a free Markov topological group if and only if it is disconnected.

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 493