Displaying 141 – 160 of 326

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Spaces and equations

Walter Taylor (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved, for various spaces A, such as a surface of genus 2, a figure-eight, or a sphere of dimension ≠ 1,3,7, and for any set Σ of equations, that Σ cannot be modeled by continuous operations on A unless Σ is undemanding (a form of triviality that is defined in the paper).

Spectra for Gelfand pairs associated with the Heisenberg group

Chal Benson, Joe Jenkins, Gail Ratcliff, Tefera Worku (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let K be a closed Lie subgroup of the unitary group U(n) acting by automorphisms on the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group H n . We say that ( K , H n ) is a Gelfand pair when the set L K 1 ( H n ) of integrable K-invariant functions on H n is an abelian convolution algebra. In this case, the Gelfand space (or spectrum) for L K 1 ( H n ) can be identified with the set Δ ( K , H n ) of bounded K-spherical functions on H n . In this paper, we study the natural topology on Δ ( K , H n ) given by uniform convergence on compact subsets in H n . We show that Δ ( K , H n ) is a complete...

Spectra of elements in the group ring of SU(2)

Alex Gamburd, Dmitry Jakobson, Peter Sarnak (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We present a new method for establishing the ‘‘gap” property for finitely generated subgroups of SU ( 2 ) , providing an elementary solution of Ruziewicz problem on S 2 as well as giving many new examples of finitely generated subgroups of SU ( 2 ) with an explicit gap. The distribution of the eigenvalues of the elements of the group ring 𝐑 [ SU ( 2 ) ] in the N -th irreducible representation of SU ( 2 ) is also studied. Numerical experiments indicate that for a generic (in measure) element of 𝐑 [ SU ( 2 ) ] , the “unfolded” consecutive spacings...

Spectral multipliers on metabelian groups.

Waldemar Hebisch (2000)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let G be a Lie group, Xj right invariant vector fields on G, which generate (as a Lie algebra) the Lie algebra of G,L = -Σ Xj2.(...) In this paper we consider L1(G) boundedness of F(L) for (some) metabelian G and a distinguished L on G. Of the main interest is that the group is of exponential growth, and possibly higher rank. Previously positive results about higher rank groups were only about Iwasawa type groups. Also, our groups may be unimodular, so it is the second positive result (after [13])...

Spectral subspaces and non-commutative Hilbert transforms

Narcisse Randrianantoanina (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be a locally compact abelian group and ℳ be a semifinite von Neumann algebra with a faithful semifinite normal trace τ. We study Hilbert transforms associated with G-flows on ℳ and closed semigroups Σ of Ĝ satisfying the condition Σ ∪ (-Σ) = Ĝ. We prove that Hilbert transforms on such closed semigroups satisfy a weak-type estimate and can be extended as linear maps from L¹(ℳ,τ) into L 1 , ( , τ ) . As an application, we obtain a Matsaev-type result for p = 1: if x is a quasi-nilpotent compact operator...

Spectral subspaces for the Fourier algebra

K. Parthasarathy, R. Prakash (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this note we define and explore, à la Godement, spectral subspaces of Banach space representations of the Fourier-Eymard algebra of a (nonabelian) locally compact group.

Spectral synthesis in L²(G)

Jean Ludwig, Carine Molitor-Braun, Sanjoy Pusti (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For locally compact, second countable, type I groups G, we characterize all closed (two-sided) translation invariant subspaces of L²(G). We establish a similar result for K-biinvariant L²-functions (K a fixed maximal compact subgroup) in the context of semisimple Lie groups.

Spectrum generating on twistor bundle

Thomas Branson, Doojin Hong (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

Spectrum generating technique introduced by Ólafsson, Ørsted, and one of the authors in the paper (Branson, T., Ólafsson, G. and Ørsted, B., Spectrum generating operators, and intertwining operators for representations induced from a maximal parabolic subgroups, J. Funct. Anal. 135 (1996), 163–205.) provides an efficient way to construct certain intertwinors when K -types are of multiplicity at most one. Intertwinors on the twistor bundle over S 1 × S n - 1 have some K -types of multiplicity 2. With some additional...

Spectrum of commutative Banach algebras and isomorphism of C*-algebras related to locally compact groups

Zhiguo Hu (1998)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a semisimple commutative regular tauberian Banach algebra with spectrum Σ A . In this paper, we study the norm spectra of elements of s p a n ¯ Σ A and present some applications. In particular, we characterize the discreteness of Σ A in terms of norm spectra. The algebra A is said to have property (S) if, for all φ ¯ Σ A 0 , φ has a nonempty norm spectrum. For a locally compact group G, let 2 d ( Ĝ ) denote the C*-algebra generated by left translation operators on L 2 ( G ) and G d denote the discrete group G. We prove that the Fourier...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 326