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Global Parametrization of Scalar Holomorphic Coadjoint Orbits of a Quasi-Hermitian Lie Group

Benjamin Cahen (2013)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Let G be a quasi-Hermitian Lie group with Lie algebra 𝔤 and K be a compactly embedded subgroup of G . Let ξ 0 be a regular element of 𝔤 * which is fixed by K . We give an explicit G -equivariant diffeomorphism from a complex domain onto the coadjoint orbit 𝒪 ( ξ 0 ) of ξ 0 . This generalizes a result of [B. Cahen, Berezin quantization and holomorphic representations, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, to appear] concerning the case where 𝒪 ( ξ 0 ) is associated with a unitary irreducible representation of G which is holomorphically...

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