Displaying 1661 – 1680 of 4562

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Hydrodynamic limit of a d-dimensional exclusion process with conductances

Fábio Júlio Valentim (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Fix a polynomial Φ of the form Φ(α) = α + ∑2≤j≤m  aj  αk=1j with Φ'(1) gt; 0. We prove that the evolution, on the diffusive scale, of the empirical density of exclusion processes on 𝕋 d , with conductances given by special class of functionsW, is described by the unique weak solution of the non-linear parabolic partial differential equation ∂tρ = ∑d  ∂xk  ∂Wk  Φ(ρ). We also derive some properties of the operator ∑k=1d  ...

Hydrodynamical behavior of symmetric exclusion with slow bonds

Tertuliano Franco, Patrícia Gonçalves, Adriana Neumann (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the exclusion process in the one-dimensional discrete torus with N points, where all the bonds have conductance one, except a finite number of slow bonds, with conductance N - β , with β [ 0 , ) . We prove that the time evolution of the empirical density of particles, in the diffusive scaling, has a distinct behavior according to the range of the parameter β . If β [ 0 , 1 ) , the hydrodynamic limit is given by the usual heat equation. If β = 1 , it is given by a parabolic equation involving an operator d d x d d W , where W ...

Hyers-Ulam stability of fractional linear differential equations involving Caputo fractional derivatives

Chun Wang, Tian-Zhou Xu (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of this paper is to study the stability of fractional differential equations in Hyers-Ulam sense. Namely, if we replace a given fractional differential equation by a fractional differential inequality, we ask when the solutions of the fractional differential inequality are close to the solutions of the strict differential equation. In this paper, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of two types of fractional linear differential equations with Caputo fractional derivatives. We prove that...

Idempotents in quotients and restrictions of Banach algebras of functions

Thomas Vils Pedersen (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒜 β be the Beurling algebra with weight ( 1 + | n | ) β on the unit circle 𝕋 and, for a closed set E 𝕋 , let J 𝒜 β ( E ) = { f 𝒜 β : f = 0 on a neighbourhood of E } . We prove that, for β > 1 2 , there exists a closed set E 𝕋 of measure zero such that the quotient algebra 𝒜 β / J 𝒜 β ( E ) is not generated by its idempotents, thus contrasting a result of Zouakia. Furthermore, for the Lipschitz algebras λ γ and the algebra 𝒜 𝒞 of absolutely continuous functions on 𝕋 , we characterize the closed sets E 𝕋 for which the restriction algebras λ γ ( E ) and 𝒜 𝒞 ( E ) are generated by their idempotents.

Identification problem for nonlinear beam -- extension for different types of boundary conditions

Radová, Jana, Machalová, Jitka (2023)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

Identification problem is a framework of mathematical problems dealing with the search for optimal values of the unknown coefficients of the considered model. Using experimentally measured data, the aim of this work is to determine the coefficients of the given differential equation. This paper deals with the extension of the continuous dependence results for the Gao beam identification problem with different types of boundary conditions by using appropriate analytical inequalities with a special...

Image Compression with Schauder Bases

Zbigniew Ciesielski (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

As is known, color images are represented as multiple, channels, i.e. integer-valued functions on a discrete rectangle, corresponding to pixels on the screen. Thus, image compression, can be reduced to investigating suitable properties of such, functions. Each channel is compressed independently. We are, representing each such function by means of multi-dimensional, Haar and diamond bases so that the functions can be remembered, by their basis coefficients without loss of information. For, each...

Improved Heinz inequalities via the Jensen functional

Mario Krnić, Josip Pečarić (2013)

Open Mathematics

By virtue of convexity of Heinz means, in this paper we derive several refinements of Heinz norm inequalities with the help of the Jensen functional and its properties. In addition, we discuss another approach to Heinz operator means which is more convenient for obtaining the corresponding operator inequalities for positive invertible operators.

Currently displaying 1661 – 1680 of 4562