Displaying 81 – 100 of 290

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The fractional dimensional theory in Lüroth expansion

Luming Shen, Kui Fang (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It is well known that every x ( 0 , 1 ] can be expanded to an infinite Lüroth series in the form of x = 1 d 1 ( x ) + + 1 d 1 ( x ) ( d 1 ( x ) - 1 ) d n - 1 ( x ) ( d n - 1 ( x ) - 1 ) d n ( x ) + , where d n ( x ) 2 for all n 1 . In this paper, sets of points with some restrictions on the digits in Lüroth series expansions are considered. Mainly, the Hausdorff dimensions of the Cantor sets F φ = { x ( 0 , 1 ] : d n ( x ) φ ( n ) , n 1 } are completely determined, where φ is an integer-valued function defined on , and φ ( n ) as n .

The Fréchet transform.

Mikusiński, Piotr, Phillips, Morgan, Sherwood, Howard, Taylor, Michael D. (1993)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

The Gaussian measure on algebraic varieties

Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that the ring ℝ[M] of all polynomials defined on a real algebraic variety M n is dense in the Hilbert space L 2 ( M , e - | x | 2 d μ ) , where dμ denotes the volume form of M and d ν = e - | x | 2 d μ the Gaussian measure on M.

The generic transformation has roots of all orders

Jonathan King (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In the sense of the Baire Category Theorem we show that the generic transformation T has roots of all orders (RAO theorem). The argument appears novel in that it proceeds by establishing that the set of such T is not meager - and then appeals to a Zero-One Law (Lemma 2). On the group Ω of (invertible measure-preserving) transformations, §D shows that the squaring map p: S → S^{2} is topologically complex in that both the locally-dense and locally-lacunary points of p are dense (Theorem 23). The...

The Geometry of Model Spaces for Probability-Preserving Actions of Sofic Groups

Tim Austin (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Bowen’s notion of sofic entropy is a powerful invariant for classifying probability-preserving actions of sofic groups. It can be defined in terms of the covering numbers of certain metric spaces associated to such an action, the ‘model spaces’. The metric geometry of these model spaces can exhibit various interesting features, some of which provide other invariants of the action. This paper explores an approximate connectedness property of the model spaces, and uses it give a new proof that certain...

The geometry of non-unit Pisot substitutions

Milton Minervino, Jörg Thuswaldner (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

It is known that with a non-unit Pisot substitution σ one can associate certain fractal tiles, so-called Rauzy fractals. In our setting, these fractals are subsets of a certain open subring of the adèle ring of the associated Pisot number field. We present several approaches on how to define Rauzy fractals and discuss the relations between them. In particular, we consider Rauzy fractals as the natural geometric objects of certain numeration systems, in terms of the dual of the one-dimensional realization...

The growth speed of digits in infinite iterated function systems

Chun-Yun Cao, Bao-Wei Wang, Jun Wu (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let f n 1 be an infinite iterated function system on [0,1] satisfying the open set condition with the open set (0,1) and let Λ be its attractor. Then to any x ∈ Λ (except at most countably many points) corresponds a unique sequence a ( x ) n 1 of integers, called the digit sequence of x, such that x = l i m n f a ( x ) f a ( x ) ( 1 ) . We investigate the growth speed of the digits in a general infinite iterated function system. More precisely, we determine the dimension of the set x Λ : a ( x ) B ( n 1 ) , l i m n a ( x ) = for any infinite subset B ⊂ ℕ, a question posed by Hirst for continued...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 290