Displaying 1001 – 1020 of 3919

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Embedding c 0 in bvca ( Σ , X )

Juan Carlos Ferrando, L. M. Sánchez Ruiz (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

If ( Ω , Σ ) is a measurable space and X a Banach space, we provide sufficient conditions on Σ and X in order to guarantee that b v c a ( Σ , X ) , the Banach space of all X -valued countably additive measures of bounded variation equipped with the variation norm, contains a copy of c 0 if and only if X does.

Energy of measures on compact Riemannian manifolds

Kathryn E. Hare, Maria Roginskaya (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the energy of measures (both positive and signed) on compact Riemannian manifolds. A formula is given relating the energy integral of a positive measure with the projections of the measure onto the eigenspaces of the Laplacian. This formula is analogous to the classical formula comparing the energy of a measure in Euclidean space with a weighted L² norm of its Fourier transform. We show that the boundedness of a modified energy integral for signed measures gives bounds on the Hausdorff...

Currently displaying 1001 – 1020 of 3919