Displaying 81 – 100 of 415

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Borel sets with σ-compact sections for nonseparable spaces

Petr Holický (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that every (extended) Borel subset E of X × Y, where X is complete metric and Y is Polish, can be covered by countably many extended Borel sets with compact sections if the sections E x = y Y : ( x , y ) E , x ∈ X, are σ-compact. This is a nonseparable version of a theorem of Saint Raymond. As a by-product, we get a proof of Saint Raymond’s result which does not use transfinite induction.

Bounded analytic sets in Banach spaces

Volker Aurich (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Conditions are given which enable or disable a complex space X to be mapped biholomorphically onto a bounded closed analytic subset of a Banach space. They involve on the one hand the Radon-Nikodym property and on the other hand the completeness of the Caratheodory metric of X .

Can we assign the Borel hulls in a monotone way?

Márton Elekes, András Máthé (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A hull of A ⊆ [0,1] is a set H containing A such that λ*(H) = λ*(A). We investigate all four versions of the following problem. Does there exist a monotone (with respect to inclusion) map that assigns a Borel/ G δ hull to every negligible/measurable subset of [0,1]? Three versions turn out to be independent of ZFC, while in the fourth case we only prove that the nonexistence of a monotone G δ hull operation for all measurable sets is consistent. It remains open whether existence here is also consistent....

Category bases.

Detlefsen, M., Szymański, Andrzej (1993)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Characterization of σ-porosity via an infinite game

Martin Doležal (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be an arbitrary metric space and P be a porosity-like relation on X. We describe an infinite game which gives a characterization of σ-P-porous sets in X. This characterization can be applied to ordinary porosity above all but also to many other variants of porosity.

Choquet simplexes whose set of extreme points is K -analytic

Michel Talagrand (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We construct a Choquet simplex K whose set of extreme points T is 𝒦 -analytic, but is not a 𝒦 -Borel set. The set T has the surprising property of being a K σ δ set in its Stone-Cech compactification. It is hence an example of a K σ δ set that is not absolute.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 415