Displaying 121 – 140 of 415

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Descriptive properties of mappings between nonseparable Luzin spaces

Petr Holický, Václav Komínek (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We relate some subsets G of the product X × Y of nonseparable Luzin (e.g., completely metrizable) spaces to subsets H of × Y in a way which allows to deduce descriptive properties of G from corresponding theorems on H . As consequences we prove a nonseparable version of Kondô’s uniformization theorem and results on sets of points y in Y with particular properties of fibres f - 1 ( y ) of a mapping f X Y . Using these, we get descriptions of bimeasurable mappings between nonseparable Luzin spaces in terms of fibres.

Descriptive set-theoretical properties of an abstract density operator

Szymon Gła̧b (2009)

Open Mathematics

Let 𝒦 (ℝ) stand for the hyperspace of all nonempty compact sets on the real line and let d ±(x;E) denote the (right- or left-hand) Lebesgue density of a measurable set E ⊂ ℝ at a point x∈ ℝ. In [3] it was proved that { K 𝒦 ( ) : x K ( d + ( x , K ) = 1 o r d - ( x , K ) = 1 ) } is ⊓11-complete. In this paper we define an abstract density operator ⅅ± and we generalize the above result. Some applications are included.

Difference functions of periodic measurable functions

Tamás Keleti (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate some problems of the following type: For which sets H is it true that if f is in a given class ℱ of periodic functions and the difference functions Δ h f ( x ) = f ( x + h ) - f ( x ) are in a given smaller class G for every h ∈ H then f itself must be in G? Denoting the class of counter-example sets by ℌ(ℱ,G), that is, ( , G ) = H / : ( f G ) ( h H ) Δ h f G , we try to characterize ℌ(ℱ,G) for some interesting classes of functions ℱ ⊃ G. We study classes of measurable functions on the circle group 𝕋 = / that are invariant for changes on null-sets (e.g. measurable...

Egoroff, σ, and convergence properties in some archimedean vector lattices

A. W. Hager, J. van Mill (2015)

Studia Mathematica

An archimedean vector lattice A might have the following properties: (1) the sigma property (σ): For each a n c o n A there are λ n ( 0 , ) and a ∈ A with λₙaₙ ≤ a for each n; (2) order convergence and relative uniform convergence are equivalent, denoted (OC ⇒ RUC): if aₙ ↓ 0 then aₙ → 0 r.u. The conjunction of these two is called strongly Egoroff. We consider vector lattices of the form D(X) (all extended real continuous functions on the compact space X) showing that (σ) and (OC ⇒ RUC) are equivalent, and equivalent...

Events of Borel Sets, Construction of Borel Sets and Random Variables for Stochastic Finance

Peter Jaeger (2014)

Formalized Mathematics

We consider special events of Borel sets with the aim to prove, that the set of the irrational numbers is an event of the Borel sets. The set of the natural numbers, the set of the integer numbers and the set of the rational numbers are countable, so we can use the literature [10] (pp. 78-81) as a basis for the similar construction of the proof. Next we prove, that different sets can construct the Borel sets [16] (pp. 9-10). Literature [16] (pp. 9-10) and [11] (pp. 11-12) gives an overview, that...

Every Lusin set is undetermined in the point-open game

Ireneusz Recław (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that some classes of small sets are topological versions of some combinatorial properties. We also give a characterization of spaces for which White has a winning strategy in the point-open game. We show that every Lusin set is undetermined, which solves a problem of Galvin.

Examples of non-shy sets

Randall Dougherty (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Christensen has defined a generalization of the property of being of Haar measure zero to subsets of (abelian) Polish groups which need not be locally compact; a recent paper of Hunt, Sauer, and Yorke defines the same property for Borel subsets of linear spaces, and gives a number of examples and applications. The latter authors use the term “shyness” for this property, and “prevalence” for the complementary property. In the present paper, we construct a number of examples of non-shy Borel sets...

Exceptional directions for Sierpiński's nonmeasurable sets

B. Kirchheim, Tomasz Natkaniec (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In [2] the question was considered in how many directions can a nonmeasurable plane set behave even "better" than the classical one constructed by Sierpiński in [6], in the sense that any line in a given direction intersects the set in at most one point. We considerably improve these results and give a much sharper estimate for the size of the sets of those "better" directions.

Extension of measures: a categorical approach

Roman Frič (2005)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present a categorical approach to the extension of probabilities, i.e. normed σ -additive measures. J. Novák showed that each bounded σ -additive measure on a ring of sets 𝔸 is sequentially continuous and pointed out the topological aspects of the extension of such measures on 𝔸 over the generated σ -ring σ ( 𝔸 ) : it is of a similar nature as the extension of bounded continuous functions on a completely regular topological space X over its Čech-Stone compactification β X (or as the extension of continuous...

Extensions of Borel Measurable Maps and Ranges of Borel Bimeasurable Maps

Petr Holický (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove an abstract version of the Kuratowski extension theorem for Borel measurable maps of a given class. It enables us to deduce and improve its nonseparable version due to Hansell. We also study the ranges of not necessarily injective Borel bimeasurable maps f and show that some control on the relative classes of preimages and images of Borel sets under f enables one to get a bound on the absolute class of the range of f. This seems to be of some interest even within separable spaces.

F σ -mappings and the invariance of absolute Borel classes

Petr Holický, Jiří Spurný (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved that F σ -mappings preserve absolute Borel classes, which improves results of R. W. Hansell, J. E. Jayne and C. A. Rogers. The proof is based on the fact that any F σ -mapping f: X → Y of an absolute Suslin metric space X onto an absolute Suslin metric space Y becomes a piecewise perfect mapping when restricted to a suitable F σ -set X X satisfying f ( X ) = Y .

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 415