Displaying 181 – 200 of 236

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Stretched shadings and a Banach measure that is not scale-invariant

Richard D. Mabry (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown that if A ⊂ ℝ has the same constant shade with respect to all Banach measures, then the same is true of any similarity transformation of A and the shade is not changed by the transformation. On the other hand, if A ⊂ ℝ has constant μ-shade with respect to some fixed Banach measure μ, then the same need not be true of a similarity transformation of A with respect to μ. But even if it is, the μ-shade might be changed by the transformation. To prove such a μ exists, a Hamel basis with some...

Strong continuity of invariant probability charges

Harald Luschgy, Sławomir Solecki (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Consider a semigroup action on a set. We derive conditions, in terms of the induced action of the semigroup on {0,1}-valued probability charges, which ensure that all invariant probability charges are strongly continuous.

Symmetric and Zygmund measures in several variables

Evgueni Doubtsov, Artur Nicolau (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let ω : ( 0 , ) ( 0 , ) be a gauge function satisfying certain mid regularity conditions. A (signed) finite Borel measure μ n is called ω -Zygmund if there exists a positive constant C such that | μ ( Q + ) - μ ( Q - ) | C ω ( ( Q + ) ) | Q + | for any pair Q + , Q - n of adjacent cubes of the same size. Similarly, μ is called an ω - symmetric measure if there exists a positive constant C such that | μ ( Q + ) / μ ( Q - ) - 1 | C ω ( ( Q + ) ) for any pair Q + , Q - n of adjacent cubes of the same size, ( Q + ) = ( Q - ) < 1 . We characterize Zygmund and symmetric measures in terms of their harmonic extensions. Also, we show that the quadratic condition...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 236