Displaying 101 – 120 of 246

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Lacunary convergence of series in L0 revisited.

Lech Drewnowski (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A simpler proof is given for the recent result of I. Labuda and the author that a series in the space L0 (lambda) is subseries convergent if each of its lacunary subseries converges.

Lusin-type Theorems for Cheeger Derivatives on Metric Measure Spaces

Guy C. David (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

A theorem of Lusin states that every Borel function onRis equal almost everywhere to the derivative of a continuous function. This result was later generalized to Rn in works of Alberti and Moonens-Pfeffer. In this note, we prove direct analogs of these results on a large class of metric measure spaces, those with doubling measures and Poincaré inequalities, which admit a form of differentiation by a famous theorem of Cheeger.

Marczewski-Burstin-like characterizations of σ-algebras, ideals, and measurable functions

Jack Brown, Hussain Elalaoui-Talibi (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

ℒ denotes the Lebesgue measurable subsets of ℝ and 0 denotes the sets of Lebesgue measure 0. In 1914 Burstin showed that a set M ⊆ ℝ belongs to ℒ if and only if every perfect P ∈ ℒ$ℒ0 h a s a p e r f e c t s u b s e t Q $ 0 which is a subset of or misses M (a similar statement omitting “is a subset of or” characterizes 0 ). In 1935, Marczewski used similar language to define the σ-algebra (s) which we now call the “Marczewski measurable sets” and the σ-ideal ( s 0 ) which we call the “Marczewski null sets”. M ∈ (s) if every perfect set P has...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 246