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Optimal convex shapes for concave functionals

Dorin Bucur, Ilaria Fragalà, Jimmy Lamboley (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Motivated by a long-standing conjecture of Pólya and Szegö about the Newtonian capacity of convex bodies, we discuss the role of concavity inequalities in shape optimization, and we provide several counterexamples to the Blaschke-concavity of variational functionals, including capacity. We then introduce a new algebraic structure on convex bodies, which allows to obtain global concavity and indecomposability results, and we discuss their application...

Order functions of plurisubharmonic functions

Halil Celik, Evgeny Poletsky (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We consider the following problem: find on 2 a plurisubharmonic function with a given order function. In particular, we prove that any positive ambiguous function on 1 which is constant outside a polar set is the order function of a plurisubharmonic function.

Orlicz capacities and applications to some existence questions for elliptic PDEs having measure data

Alberto Fiorenza, Alain Prignet (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the sequence u n , which is solution of - div ( a ( x , 𝔻 u n ) ) + Φ ' ' ( | u n | ) u n = f n + g n in Ω an open bounded set of 𝐑 N and u n = 0 on Ω , when f n tends to a measure concentrated on a set of null Orlicz-capacity. We consider the relation between this capacity and the N -function Φ , and prove a non-existence result.

Orlicz capacities and applications to some existence questions for elliptic pdes having measure data

Alberto Fiorenza, Alain Prignet (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the sequence un, which is solution of - div ( a ( x , u n ) ) + Φ ' ' ( | u n | ) u n = f n + g n in Ω an open bounded set of RN and un= 0 on ∂Ω, when fn tends to a measure concentrated on a set of null Orlicz-capacity. We consider the relation between this capacity and the N-function Φ, and prove a non-existence result.

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