The General Riesz Decomposition and the Specific Order of Excessive Functions.
We show that if a decreasing sequence of subharmonic functions converges to a function in then the convergence is in .
Let K be a compact subset of . A sequence of nonnegative numbers defined by means of extremal points of K with respect to homogeneous polynomials is proved to be convergent. Its limit is called the homogeneous transfinite diameter of K. A few properties of this diameter are given and its value for some compact subsets of is computed.
We prove that the image of a finely holomorphic map on a fine domain in ℂ is a pluripolar subset of ℂⁿ. We also discuss the relationship between pluripolar hulls and finely holomorphic functions.
We shall show that every differential operator of 2-nd order in a real separable Hilbert space can be decomposed into a regular and an irregular operator. Then we shall characterize irregular operators and differential operators satisfying the maximum principle. Results obtained for the Lévy laplacian in [3] will be generalized for irregular differential operators satisfying the maximum principle.
We prove that the Martin compactification of a plane domain is homeomorphic to a subset of the two-dimensional sphere.