On pluriharmonic interpolation.
We prove that if is harmonic and there exists a polynomial such that f + W is nonnegative, then f is a polynomial.
We construct bounded domains D not equal to a ball in n ≥ 3 dimensional Euclidean space, Rn, for which ∂D is homeomorphic to a sphere under a quasiconformal mapping of Rn and such that n - 1 dimensional Hausdorff measure equals harmonic measure on ∂D.
The main result of the present paper is : every separately-subharmonic function , which is harmonic in , can be represented locally as a sum two functions, , where is subharmonic and is harmonic in , subharmonic in and harmonic in outside of some nowhere dense set .
It is well known that strong Feller semigroups generate balayage spaces provided the set of their excessive functions contains sufficiently many elements. In this note, we give explicit examples of strong Feller semigroups which do generate balayage spaces. Further we want to point out the role of the generator of the semigroup in the related potential theory.
The notion of a strong asymptotic tract for subharmonic functions is defined. Eremenko's value b(∞,u) for subharmonic functions is introduced and it is used to provide an exact upper estimate of the number of strong tracts of subharmonic functions of infinite lower order. It is also shown that b(∞,u) ≤ π for subharmonic functions of infinite lower order.
We show that in the class of complex ellipsoids the symmetry of the pluricomplex Green function is equivalent to convexity of the ellipsoid.