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Fractional integro-differentiation in harmonic mixed norm spaces on a half-space

Karen L. Avetisyan (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper some embedding theorems related to fractional integration and differentiation in harmonic mixed norm spaces h ( p , q , α ) on the half-space are established. We prove that mixed norm is equivalent to a “fractional derivative norm” and that harmonic conjugation is bounded in h ( p , q , α ) for the range 0 < p , 0 < q . As an application of the above, we give a characterization of h ( p , q , α ) by means of an integral representation with the use of Besov spaces.

Generalization of weierstrass canonical integrals

Olga Veselovska (2004)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we prove that a subharmonic function in ℝm of finite λ-type can be represented (within some subharmonic function) as the sum of a generalized Weierstrass canonical integral and a function of finite λ-type which tends to zero uniformly on compacts of ℝm. The known Brelot-Hadamard representation of subharmonic functions in ℝm of finite order can be obtained as a corollary from this result. Moreover, some properties of R-remainders of λ-admissible mass distributions are investigated.

Generating singularities of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations using Wolff’s potential

Darko Žubrinić (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider a quasilinear elliptic problem whose left-hand side is a Leray-Lions operator of p -Laplacian type. If p < γ < N and the right-hand side is a Radon measure with singularity of order γ at x 0 Ω , then any supersolution in W l o c 1 , p ( Ω ) has singularity of order at least ( γ - p ) ( p - 1 ) at x 0 . In the proof we exploit a pointwise estimate of 𝒜 -superharmonic solutions, due to Kilpeläinen and Malý, which involves Wolff’s potential of Radon’s measure.

H -cones and potential theory

Nicu Boboc, Gheorghe Bucur, A. Cornea (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The H -cone is an abstract model for the cone of positive superharmonic functions on a harmonic space or for the cone of excessive functions with respect to a resolvent family, having sufficiently many properties in order to develop a good deal of balayage theory and also to construct a dual concept which is also an H -cone. There are given an integral representation theorem and a representation theorem as an H -cone of functions for which fine topology, thinnes, negligible sets and the sheaf property...

Harmonic functions on classical rank one balls

Philippe Jaming (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo articolo studieremo le relazioni fra le funzioni armoniche nella palla iperbolica (sia essa reale, complessa o quaternionica), le funzione armoniche euclidee in questa palla, e le funzione pluriarmoniche sotto certe condizioni di crescita. In particolare, estenderemo al caso quaternionico risultati anteriori dell'autore (nel caso reale), e di A. Bonami, J. Bruna e S. Grellier (nel caso complesso).

Inclusion relations between harmonic Bergman-Besov and weighted Bloch spaces on the unit ball

Ömer Faruk Doğan, Adem Ersin Üreyen (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider harmonic Bergman-Besov spaces b α p and weighted Bloch spaces b α on the unit ball of n for the full ranges of parameters 0 < p < , α , and determine the precise inclusion relations among them. To verify these relations we use Carleson measures and suitable radial differential operators. For harmonic Bergman spaces various characterizations of Carleson measures are known. For weighted Bloch spaces we provide a characterization when α > 0 .

Inequalities for surface integrals of non-negative subharmonic functions

M. P. Aldred, David H. Armitage (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let denote the class of positive harmonic functions on a bounded domain Ω in N . Let S be a sphere contained in Ω ¯ , and let σ denote the ( N - 1 ) -dimensional measure. We give a condition on Ω which guarantees that there exists a constant K , depending only on Ω and S , such that S u d σ K Ω u d σ for every u C ( Ω ¯ ) . If this inequality holds for every such u , then it also holds for a large class of non-negative subharmonic functions. For certain types of domains explicit values for K are given. In particular the classical value...

Integral representation for a class of multiply superharmonic functions

Kohur Gowrisankaran (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let Ω 1 , ... , Ω n be harmonic spaces of Brelot with countable base of completely determining domains. The elements of a subcone C of the cone of positive n -superharmonic functions in Ω 1 × ... × Ω n is shown to have an integral representation with the aid of Radon measures on the extreme elements belonging to a compact base of C . The extreme elements are shown to be the product of extreme superharmonic functions on the component spaces and the measure representing each element is shown to be unique. Necessary and sufficient...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 251