Displaying 21 – 40 of 102

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New examples of effective formulas for holomorphically contractible functions

Marek Jarnicki, Peter Pflug (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Let G n and B m be domains and let Φ:G → B be a surjective holomorphic mapping. We characterize some cases in which invariant functions and pseudometrics on G can be effectively expressed in terms of the corresponding functions and pseudometrics on B.

New examples of non-locally embeddable C R structures (with no non-constant C R distributions)

Jean-Pierre Rosay (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We construct examples of non-locally embeddable C R structures. These examples may show some improvement on previous examples by Nirenberg, and Jacobowitz and Trèves. They are based on a simple construction which consists in gluing two embedded structures. And (this is our main point) we believe that these examples are very transparent, therefore easy to work with.

Newton numbers and residual measures of plurisubharmonic functions

Alexander Rashkovskii (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the masses charged by ( d d c u ) n at isolated singularity points of plurisubharmonic functions u. This is done by means of the local indicators of plurisubharmonic functions introduced in [15]. As a consequence, bounds for the masses are obtained in terms of the directional Lelong numbers of u, and the notion of the Newton number for a holomorphic mapping is extended to arbitrary plurisubharmonic functions. We also describe the local indicator of u as the logarithmic tangent to u.

Nodal deformations of singularities.

Jorge A. González-Ramírez (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this note we study deformations of a plane curve singularity (C,P) toδ(C,P) nodes. We see that for some types of singularities the method of A'Campo can be carried on using parametric equations. For such singularities we prove that deformations to δ nodes can be made within the space of curves of the same degree.

Noethérianité de certaines algèbres de fonctions analytiques et applications

Abdelhafed Elkhadiri, Mouttaki Hlal (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let M n be a real-analytic submanifold and H(M) the algebra of real analytic functions on M. If K ⊂ M is a compact subset we consider S K = f H ( M ) | f ( x ) 0 f o r a l l x K ; S K is a multiplicative subset of H ( M ) . Let S K - 1 H ( M ) be the localization of H(M) with respect to S K . In this paper we prove, first, that S K - 1 H ( M ) is a regular ring (hence noetherian) and use this result in two situations:    1) For each open subset Ω n , we denote by O(Ω) the subalgebra of H(Ω) defined as follows: f ∈ O(Ω) if and only if for all x ∈ Ω, the germ of f at x, f x , is algebraic...

Non compact boundaries of complex analytic varieties in Hilbert spaces

Samuele Mongodi, Alberto Saracco (2014)

Complex Manifolds

We treat the boundary problem for complex varieties with isolated singularities, of complex dimension greater than or equal to 3, non necessarily compact, which are contained in strongly convex, open subsets of a complex Hilbert space H.We deal with the problem by cutting with a family of complex hyperplanes and applying the already known result for the compact case.

Non oscillating solutions of analytic gradient vector fields

Fernando Sanz (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let γ be an integral solution of an analytic real vector field ξ defined in a neighbordhood of 0 3 . Suppose that γ has a single limit point, ω ( γ ) = { 0 } . We say that γ is non oscillating if, for any analytic surface H , either γ is contained in H or γ cuts H only finitely many times. In this paper we give a sufficient condition for γ to be non oscillating. It is established in terms of the existence of “generalized iterated tangents”, i.e. the existence of a single limit point for any transform property for...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 102