Displaying 3141 – 3160 of 9312

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Generic bifurcation of reversible vector fields on a 2-bidimensional manifold.

Marco Antonio Teixeira (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we deal with reversible vector fields on a 2-dimensional manifold having a codimension one submanifold as its symmetry axis. We classify generically the one parameter families of such vector fields. As a matter of fact, aspects of structural stability and codimension one bifurcation are analysed.

Generic measures for geodesic flows on nonpositively curved manifolds

Yves Coudène, Barbara Schapira (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques

We study the generic invariant probability measures for the geodesic flow on connected complete nonpositively curved manifolds. Under a mild technical assumption, we prove that ergodicity is a generic property in the set of probability measures defined on the unit tangent bundle of the manifold and supported by trajectories not bounding a flat strip. This is done by showing that Dirac measures on periodic orbits are dense in that set.In the case of a compact surface, we get the following sharp result:...

Generic saddle-node bifurcation for cascade second order ODEs on manifolds

Milan Medveď (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Cascade second order ODEs on manifolds are defined. These objects are locally represented by coupled second order ODEs such that any solution of one of them can represent an external force for the other one. A generic saddle-node bifurcation theorem for 1-parameter families of cascade second order ODEs is proved.

Geometry of isotypic Kronecker webs

Wojciech Kryński (2012)

Open Mathematics

An isotypic Kronecker web is a family of corank m foliations { t } t P 1 such that the curve of annihilators t ↦ (T x F t)⊥ ∈ Grm(T x* M) is a rational normal curve in the Grassmannian Grm(T x*M) at any point x ∈ M. For m = 1 we get Veronese webs introduced by I. Gelfand and I. Zakharevich [Gelfand I.M., Zakharevich I., Webs, Veronese curves, and bi-Hamiltonian systems, J. Funct. Anal., 1991, 99(1), 150–178]. In the present paper, we consider the problem of local classification of isotypic Kronecker webs...

Geometry of second-order connections and ordinary differential equations

Alexandr Vondra (1995)

Mathematica Bohemica

The geometry of second-order systems of ordinary differential equations represented by 2 -connections on the trivial bundle error × M is studied. The formalism used, being completely utilizable within the framework of more general situations (partial equations), turns out to be of interest in confrontation with a traditional approach (semisprays), moreover, it amounts to certain new ideas and results. The paper is aimed at discussion on the interrelations between all types of connections having to do with...

Currently displaying 3141 – 3160 of 9312