Displaying 21 – 40 of 894

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Second order differential inequalities in Banach spaces

Gerd Herzog, Roland Lemmert (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We derive monotonicity results for solutions of ordinary differential inequalities of second order in ordered normed spaces with respect to the boundary values. As a consequence, we get an existence theorem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem by means of a variant of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorem.

Second order evolution equations with parameter

Jan Bochenek, Teresa Winiarska (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give some theorems on continuity and differentiability with respect to (h,t) of the solution of a second order evolution problem with parameter h Ω m . Our main tool is the theory of strongly continuous cosine families of linear operators in Banach spaces.

Second order nonlinear differential equations with linear impulse and periodic boundary conditions

Aydin Huseynov (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

In this study, we establish existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of second order nonlinear differential equations on a finite interval subject to linear impulse conditions and periodic boundary conditions. The results obtained yield periodic solutions of the corresponding periodic impulsive nonlinear differential equation on the whole real axis.

Second-order sufficient conditions for strong solutions to optimal control problems

J. Frédéric Bonnans, Xavier Dupuis, Laurent Pfeiffer (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this article, given a reference feasible trajectory of an optimal control problem, we say that the quadratic growth property for bounded strong solutions holds if the cost function of the problem has a quadratic growth over the set of feasible trajectories with a bounded control and with a state variable sufficiently close to the reference state variable. Our sufficient second-order optimality conditions in Pontryagin form ensure this property and ensure a fortiori that the reference trajectory...

Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for control problems with linearly independent gradients of control constraints

Nikolai P. Osmolovskii (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Second-order sufficient conditions of a bounded strong minimum are derived for optimal control problems of ordinary differential equations with initial-final state constraints of equality and inequality type and control constraints of inequality type. The conditions are stated in terms of quadratic forms associated with certain tuples of Lagrange multipliers. Under the assumption of linear independence of gradients of active control constraints they guarantee the bounded strong quadratic growth...

Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for control problems with linearly independent gradients of control constraints

Nikolai P. Osmolovskii (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Second-order sufficient conditions of a bounded strong minimum are derived for optimal control problems of ordinary differential equations with initial-final state constraints of equality and inequality type and control constraints of inequality type. The conditions are stated in terms of quadratic forms associated with certain tuples of Lagrange multipliers. Under the assumption of linear independence of gradients of active control constraints they...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 894