Displaying 161 – 180 of 1662

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On a theorem of Haimo regarding concave mappings

Martin Chuaqui, Peter Duren, Brad Osgood (2011)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

A relatively simple proof is given for Haimo's theorem that a meromorphic function with suitably controlled Schwarzian derivative is a concave mapping. More easily verified conditions are found to imply Haimo's criterion, which is now shown to be sharp. It is proved that Haimo's functions map the unit disk onto the outside of an asymptotically conformal Jordan curve, thus ruling out the presence of corners.

On a Theorem of Mierczyński

Gerd Herzog (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that the initial value problem x’(t) = f(t,x(t)), x ( 0 ) = x 1 is uniquely solvable in certain ordered Banach spaces if f is quasimonotone increasing with respect to x and f satisfies a one-sided Lipschitz condition with respect to a certain convex functional.

On a two point linear boundary value problem for system of ODEs with deviating arguments

Jan Kubalčík (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

Two point boundary value problem for the linear system of ordinary differential equations with deviating arguments x ' ( t ) = A ( t ) x ( τ 11 ( t ) ) + B ( t ) u ( τ 12 ( t ) ) + q 1 ( t ) , u ' ( t ) = C ( t ) x ( τ 21 ( t ) ) + D ( t ) u ( τ 22 ( t ) ) + q 2 ( t ) , α 11 x ( 0 ) + α 12 u ( 0 ) = c 0 , α 21 x ( T ) + α 22 u ( T ) = c T is considered. For this problem the sufficient condition for existence and uniqueness of solution is obtained. The same approach as in [2], [3] is applied.

On a two-body problem of classical relativistic electrodynamics.

A. Casal, Rosario Martinez Herrero, M.A. Vences (1980)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

Formulating the two-body problem of classical relativistic electrodynamics in terms of action at a distance and using retarded potential, the equations of one-dimensional motion are functional differential equations of the retarded type. For this kind of equations, in general it is not enough to specify instantaneous data to specify unique trajectories. Nevertheless, Driver (1969) has shown that under special conditions for these electrodynamic equations, there exists an unique solution for this...

On a two-point boundary value problem for second order singular equations

Alexander Lomtatidze, P. Torres (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The problem on the existence of a positive in the interval ] a , b [ solution of the boundary value problem u ' ' = f ( t , u ) + g ( t , u ) u ' ; u ( a + ) = 0 , u ( b - ) = 0 is considered, where the functions f and g ] a , b [ × ] 0 , + [ satisfy the local Carathéodory conditions. The possibility for the functions f and g to have singularities in the first argument (for t = a and t = b ) and in the phase variable (for u = 0 ) is not excluded. Sufficient and, in some cases, necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of that problem are established.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1662