Displaying 321 – 340 of 382

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The distance between fixed points of some pairs of maps in Banach spaces and applications to differential systems

Cristinel Mortici (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let T be a γ -contraction on a Banach space Y and let S be an almost γ -contraction, i.e. sum of an ε , γ -contraction with a continuous, bounded function which is less than ε in norm. According to the contraction principle, there is a unique element u in Y for which u = T u . If moreover there exists v in Y with v = S v , then we will give estimates for u - v . Finally, we establish some inequalities related to the Cauchy problem.

The steepest descent dynamical system with control. Applications to constrained minimization

Alexandre Cabot (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let H be a real Hilbert space, Φ 1 : H a convex function of class 𝒞 1 that we wish to minimize under the convex constraint S . A classical approach consists in following the trajectories of the generalized steepest descent system (cf. Brézis [5]) applied to the non-smooth function Φ 1 + δ S . Following Antipin [1], it is also possible to use a continuous gradient-projection system. We propose here an alternative method as follows: given a smooth convex function Φ 0 : H whose critical points coincide with S and a control...

The steepest descent dynamical system with control. Applications to constrained minimization

Alexandre Cabot (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let H be a real Hilbert space, Φ 1 : H a convex function of class 𝒞 1 that we wish to minimize under the convex constraint S. A classical approach consists in following the trajectories of the generalized steepest descent system (cf.   Brézis [CITE]) applied to the non-smooth function  Φ 1 + δ S . Following Antipin [1], it is also possible to use a continuous gradient-projection system. We propose here an alternative method as follows: given a smooth convex function  Φ 0 : H whose critical points coincide with S and...

Transport equations with partially B V velocities

Nicolas Lerner (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove the uniqueness of weak solutions for the Cauchy problem for a class of transport equations whose velocities are partially with bounded variation. Our result deals with the initial value problem t u + X u = f , u | t = 0 = g , where X is the vector fieldwith a boundedness condition on the divergence of each vector field a 1 , a 2 . This model was studied in the paper [LL] with a W 1 , 1 regularity assumption replacing our B V hypothesis. This settles partly a question raised in the paper [Am]. We examine the details of the argument of...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 382