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A role of the coefficient of the differential term in qualitative theory of half-linear equations

Pavel Řehák (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

The aim of this contribution is to study the role of the coefficient r in the qualitative theory of the equation ( r ( t ) Φ ( y Δ ) ) Δ + p ( t ) Φ ( y σ ) = 0 , where Φ ( u ) = | u | α - 1 sgn u with α > 1 . We discuss sign and smoothness conditions posed on r , (non)availability of some transformations, and mainly we show how the behavior of r , along with the behavior of the graininess of the time scale, affect some comparison results and (non)oscillation criteria. At the same time we provide a survey of recent results acquired by sophisticated modifications of the Riccati...

A singular version of Leighton's comparison theorem for forced quasilinear second order differential equations

Ondřej Došlý, Jaroslav Jaroš (2003)

Archivum Mathematicum

We extend the classical Leighton comparison theorem to a class of quasilinear forced second order differential equations ( r ( t ) | x ' | α - 2 x ' ) ' + c ( t ) | x | β - 2 x = f ( t ) , 1 < α β , t I = ( a , b ) , ( * ) where the endpoints a , b of the interval I are allowed to be singular. Some applications of this statement in the oscillation theory of (*) are suggested.

Abelian integrals related to Morse polynomials and perturbations of plane hamiltonian vector fields

Lubomir Gavrilov (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒜 be the real vector space of Abelian integrals I ( h ) = { H h } R ( x , y ) d x d y , h [ 0 , h ˜ ] where H ( x , y ) = ( x 2 + y 2 ) / 2 + ... is a fixed real polynomial, R ( x , y ) is an arbitrary real polynomial and { H h } , h [ 0 , h ˜ ] , is the interior of the oval of H which surrounds the origin and tends to it as h 0 . We prove that if H ( x , y ) is a semiweighted homogeneous polynomial with only Morse critical points, then 𝒜 is a free finitely generated module over the ring of real polynomials [ h ] , and compute its rank. We find the generators of 𝒜 in the case when H is an arbitrary cubic polynomial. Finally we...

Additive groups connected with asymptotic stability of some differential equations

Árpád Elbert (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

The asymptotic behaviour of a Sturm-Liouville differential equation with coefficient λ 2 q ( s ) , s [ s 0 , ) is investigated, where λ and q ( s ) is a nondecreasing step function tending to as s . Let S denote the set of those λ ’s for which the corresponding differential equation has a solution not tending to 0. It is proved that S is an additive group. Four examples are given with S = { 0 } , S = , S = 𝔻 (i.e. the set of dyadic numbers), and S .

An integral condition of oscillation for equation y ' ' ' + p ( t ) y ' + q ( t ) y = 0 with nonnegative coefficients

Anton Škerlík (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

Our aim in this paper is to obtain a new oscillation criterion for equation y ' ' ' + p ( t ) y ' + q ( t ) y = 0 with a nonnegative coefficients which extends and improves some oscillation criteria for this equation. In the special case of equation (*), namely, for equation y ' ' ' + q ( t ) y = 0 , our results solve the open question of C h a n t u r i y a .

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 105