Computation of bifurcated branches in a free boundary problem arising in combustion theory
We consider a parabolic 2D Free Boundary Problem, with jump conditions at the interface. Its planar travelling-wave solutions are orbitally stable provided the bifurcation parameter does not exceed a critical value . The latter is the limit of a decreasing sequence of bifurcation points. The paper deals with the study of the 2D bifurcated branches from the planar branch, for small k. Our technique is based on the elimination of the unknown front, turning the problem into a fully nonlinear...
We consider coupled structures consisting of two different linear elastic materials bonded along an interface. The material discontinuities combined with geometrical peculiarities of the outer boundary lead to unbounded stresses. The mathematical analysis of the singular behaviour of the elastic fields, especially near points where the interface meets the outer boundary, can be performed by means of asymptotic expansions with respect to the distance from the geometrical and structural singularities....
We consider the effect of surface roughness on solid-solid contact in a Stokes flow. Various models for the roughness are considered, and a unified methodology is given to derive the corresponding asymptotics of the drag force in the close-contact limit. In this way, we recover and clarify the various expressions that can be found in previous studies.
We consider the effect of surface roughness on solid-solid contact in a Stokes flow. Various models for the roughness are considered, and a unified methodology is given to derive the corresponding asymptotics of the drag force in the close-contact limit. In this way, we recover and clarify the various expressions that can be found in previous studies.
We consider the effect of surface roughness on solid-solid contact in a Stokes flow. Various models for the roughness are considered, and a unified methodology is given to derive the corresponding asymptotics of the drag force in the close-contact limit. In this way, we recover and clarify the various expressions that can be found in previous studies.
A new method for computation of the fundamental solution of electrodynamics for general anisotropic nondispersive materials is suggested. It consists of several steps: equations for each column of the fundamental matrix are reduced to a symmetric hyperbolic system; using the Fourier transform with respect to space variables and matrix transformations, formulae for Fourier images of the fundamental matrix columns are obtained; finally, the fundamental solution is computed by the inverse Fourier transform....
Development of engineering structures and technologies frequently works with advanced materials, whose properties, because of their complicated microstructure, cannot be predicted from experience, unlike traditional materials. The quality of computational modelling of relevant physical processes, based mostly on the principles of classical thermomechanics, is conditioned by the reliability of constitutive relations, coming from simplified experiments. The paper demonstrates some possibilities of...
European directives and related national technical standards force the substantial reduction of energy consumption of all types of buildings. This can be done thanks to the massive insulation and the improvement of quality of building enclosures, using the simple evaluation assuming the one-dimensional stationary heat conduction. However, recent applications of advanced materials, structures and technologies force the proper physical, mathematical and computational analysis coming from the thermodynamic...
This paper describes the extension of a recently developed numerical solver for the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations to binary mixtures in three dimensions. The LLNS equations incorporate thermal fluctuations into macroscopic hydrodynamics by using white-noise fluxes. These stochastic PDEs are more complicated in three dimensions due to the tensorial form of the correlations for the stochastic fluxes and in mixtures due to couplings of energy and concentration fluxes (e.g., Soret...
New materials, structures and technologies used in civil engineering impeach traditional evaluations of the annual thermal consumption of buildings, based on the quasi-stationary estimate of the thermal resistance of the building envelope, or some operational parts of such building with the guaranteed temperature. The complete proper physical analysis, applying the principles of thermodynamics and appropriate constitutive relations for particular material layers and air in rooms, is not realistic...
The paper presents the results of numerical solution of the evolution law for the constrained mean-curvature flow. This law originates in the theory of phase transitions for crystalline materials and describes the evolution of closed embedded curves with constant enclosed area. It is reformulated by means of the direct method into the system of degenerate parabolic partial differential equations for the curve parametrization. This system is solved numerically and several computational studies are...
The paper presents the results of numerical solution of the Allen-Cahn equation with a non-local term. This equation originally mentioned by Rubinstein and Sternberg in 1992 is related to the mean-curvature flow with the constraint of constant volume enclosed by the evolving curve. We study this motion approximately by the mentioned PDE, generalize the problem by including anisotropy and discuss the computational results obtained.
We deal with numerical computation of the nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) of Black–Scholes type which incorporate the effect of transaction costs. Our proposed technique surmounts the difficulty of infinite domains and unbounded values of the solutions. Numerical implementation shows the validity of our scheme.
We present a finite element method to compute guided modes in a stratified medium. The major difficulty to overcome is related to the unboundedness of the stratified medium. Our method is an alternative to the use of artificial boundary conditions and to the use of integral representation formulae. The domain is bounded in such a way we can write the solution on its lateral boundaries in terms of Fourier series. The series is then truncated for the computations over the bounded domain. The problem...